switch to Churchill tyres Folkestone

Tyre Damage: Be Cautious and Take Precautions!

Last Updated: October 4, 2022By Tags: ,
In general, following the necessary measures to manage the Churchill tyres Folkestone may considerably minimise the chance of failure, so saving you money and averting any incidents that may occur from a damaged tyre. To guarantee you never have a flat tyre, we’ve outlined all you want to know about maintaining your Churchill Tyres Folkestone, covering the many forms of damage, what causes severe tyre wear, and how to avoid it.

Tyre Damage Causes

Irrespective of the age of the tyres, tyre damage may occur at any moment; thus, you must check them often before embarking on a lengthy trip; these inspections should comprise tyre pressure, tread depth, and symptoms of wear and tear. Consider the following causes of tyre damage:

Heat Build-up:

Heat is the greatest threat to a tyre and has production by several sources. As a tyre spins under the pressure of an automobile and its load, it constantly deforms and rebounds, generating a significant amount of energy. Whenever this energy gets released, heat generates, making the material more prone to wear, cuts, and structural strain. Several variables influence the quantity of heat accumulation.

Sidewall Wear:

Overinflating the tyres may cause substantial wear to the sidewall, so it’s crucial to know what the appropriate tyre pressure is, which will be in the vehicle’s manual.

Neglecting Maintenance:

Lastly, vehicle upkeep is an essential aspect of effective utilisation. The machine’s efficiency might inflict serious damage to its tyres. Neglecting routine car maintenance may drastically shorten tyre life and raise operating expenses.


Overinflation of a tyre’s sidewall may result in bulges or bursts, which can lead to a rupture. Striking the curb may also cause the formation of a bubble owing to internal tyre structural damage. The term for this is impact breakage. Protrusions and bubbles need prompt attention.
If you see any of the above forms of tyre deterioration, you should have an inspection or change immediately at the local shop. In addition to extending the life of your tyres, staying on top of any deterioration can lessen the likelihood of an unexpected failure.

How Do You Prevent Sidewall Damage?

Let’s see ways to prevent sidewall damage:

Maintain the Proper Tyre Pressure:

When there is insufficient air in the tyres, the sidewall is subject to higher stress and pressure to maintain vehicle stability. This may lead to premature tyre structural wear.

Clean up Any Oil Spills:

If you spill gasoline on your tyres or driving through very contaminated water, be careful to clean them with water and dishwashing solutions. Excessive contact with solvents and lubricants weakens the rubber and might compromise the sidewall’s integrity.

Contact With the Curb:

A common cause of sidewall damage is a collision with a curb or asphalt. If you often damage the tyres when parking, this might also lead to long-term difficulties.

How Prevalent Is Tyre Sidewall Damage?

All kinds of tyres are equally prone to sidewall deterioration. None of the conventional tyre kinds, including summer tyres, winter tyres, and all-season tyres, are more susceptible to breakage than the others.
However, employing the incorrect seasonal tyres might increase the danger of sidewall deterioration. For instance, summer tyres worn in the winter might freeze in the cold, resulting in sidewall splits. Utilizing seasonal tyres in the appropriate weather circumstances will avoid damage.

Importance of Tyre Maintenance

If you want to extend the life of your vehicle, you must check the alignment of the wheels and undergo the recommended maintenance. It helps to verify that all wheel inclinations are following the manufacturer’s specifications. Wheel alignment is in view by the camber, caster, and toe angles.
In most circumstances, tyre specialists advise motorists to get their wheels alignment at least once every 5,000 kilometres. Otherwise, they may examine it when they see uneven tyre wear. Accurate wheel alignment helps prevent tyre wear and strain.

Regular Check of Tyre Pressure

Correct tyre inflation increases your driving safety and prolongs the life of your tyres. Therefore, monitoring the tyre pressure at least once every two to four weeks is necessary. Keep the tyre pressure within the prescribed levels to prevent driving difficulties.
The appropriate specifications for your tyres Folkstone may be present in the tyre handbook. Frequently, under-inflation is the cause of serious tyre degradation and consequent air loss. Overinflation, on the other hand, increases rigidity, driving displeasure. Therefore, it is vital to check tyre pressure (Churchill Tyres Folkestone) routinely.