Virtual Award Show

How to stand out at your virtual award show?

Last Updated: November 26, 2021By Tags: ,

The Award Show holds great significance for businesses belonging to varied industries. It is not only an excellent way for the annual get-togethers but also a great concept to appreciate, motivate and encourage your employees. With the predominance of virtual award shows, hosting extraordinary events has become more manageable than ever. However, keeping your remote attendees engaged and interested in the event is always a task.

In this blog, we have curated the top virtual award show ideas to help you in organizing a remarkable event. Keep reading to explore!


Top Ideas to Host an Outstanding Virtual Award Show


#1 Create a Compelling Virtual Venue

The most pre-eminent element to host a triumphant virtual award show is the chosen event venue. Engagement plays an essential role in assuring the progress of any online event. And, the design of the virtual location makes a lot of variation. Therefore, create a compelling virtual venue that grasps the attention of your remote participants and keeps them engaged throughout the show. Also, ensure that your virtual attendees have an easy user experience at the virtual award show event. 


#2 Create Captivating Content 

Apart from being a brilliant and enthralling virtual award show venue, the content you offer at the online venue also plays a crucial role in retaining your audience. Therefore, design and represent valuable content at the online event venue. Also, you can attempt to move onward from the traditional ideas and include multi-format content at the venue. An excellent virtual award show platform presents you with exceptional content like dynamic banners, logos, gifs, locomotive content, documents, presentations, images, videos, etc.


#3 Collaborate with a Funny Host

Whenever you remember an award show that you liked, we are certain that the hosts will come to your mind. It is so because hosts are the individuals who directly interact with the participants. Not just this, but they also succeed to capture your attendees’ concentration throughout the show and keep them interested. Hence, outsource or collaborate with a funny host so they communicate with your attendees and keep them engaged in the show sessions. 


#4 Photo Booth

Upgrade the fun at your virtual award program by attaching the engaging component of a virtual photo booth. If your virtual award show platform provides outstanding branding solutions, you can also combine the branding element at your virtual photo booth. People visiting any type of event, look forward to seizing the moments through clicking pictures and sharing them with their connections. Hence, present your remote attendees with the possibility to click pictures in branded photo booths that they can instantly share over their social media accounts.


#5 Social Wall

A virtual award show means spreading the vibes of appreciation, motivation, and happiness. Also, while visiting any event or celebration, people look ahead to sharing their experiences over their social media platforms. A social wall is an outstanding virtual award show platform tool that curates all the posts from your remote participants and displays them over a shared wall. A social wall is an engaging medium that you can incorporate in your virtual award show to inspire your attendees to engage. Moreover, it also maximizes the reach of your event.


#6 Include Networking Opportunities

Users from any industry, be it corporate or arts, look ahead to generating leads, maximizing their reach, networking and interacting, and with their potential allies. Hence, ensure you incorporate exceptional networking possibilities at the virtual award show. While you can dedicate a fun session to networking like virtual games, you can also include some networking features at the virtual venue itself. So, your remote attendees can prefer to indulge in networking possibilities throughout the show. Following are some of the best networking tools available at a virtual award show platform:

  • B2B Meeting Scheduler
  • Virtual Networking Lounge
  • Networking Tables
  • Multi-Format Communication
  • Business Card Exchange
  • Chat Rooms
  • Advanced Search Filters
  • Group audio, text, and video chat


#7 Include Sponsorships

The features of sponsorship efficiently deliver more value to your virtual show. Hence, include relevant sponsorship features throughout the award show to advance the value of your virtual event. You can utilize these features in different ways. For instance, you can sponsor some awards or even some meals you render to your remote attendees. Normally, sponsors strive to maximize their range, and by accomplishing their goal, you can favorably bring more benefits to your event.


#8 Virtual Meals

Fascinate your remote participants with compelling discounts and offer coupons on popular outlets. You can also order meals, snacks, or beverages for your virtual participants. This idea will make your attendees feel captivated and inspire them to participate in the online award show.


#9 Incorporate Branding Features

By including various branded sessions and also branding the online venue, you can upgrade the perfection of your virtual award show. The more compelling branded content you include at the award show, the more your remote participants get a reason to engage at the online event.


#10 Include Entertainment Breaks

A virtual award show without entertainment breaks dedicated to dance, musicals, and other amusing performances is the one missing a major essence. So to make sure that your remote participants have a life-like virtual award show experience, add entertainment breaks during the event.  


#11 Include Fun Gamification

A high-level virtual award show platform renders you with innumerable gamification features and tools. Incorporating engaging games like a virtual escape room, you can also improve the networking possibilities at the event. By adding exciting games at the engagement zone, you can make sure that your participants are involved in the event even during breaks. 


#12 Keep the Sessions Short

Attending a virtual award show can lead to your remote attendees having a boring virtual show experience. It is also known as Zoom or virtual event fatigue that refers to your attendees having a tedious virtual show experience. Therefore, to hold the attention of your participants in the virtual award show, keep the span of your sessions short and render mini-breaks in between the sessions so they can freshen up or indulge in other activities.


#13 Send Exciting Swag Bags

Send your participants exciting swag bags to enhance the value and prominence of your event. You can either give these swag gifts before the award show starts to enthrall their attention and entice them to attend the show or even after the online event to follow up with your remote participants. 

Bring these virtual award show ideas together and host an unparalleled and memorable virtual show!