unique online portfolio

How to make a unique online portfolio in 5 Easy Steps?

Last Updated: December 19, 2021By Tags:

Why Do I Need a Unique Online Portfolio?

A portfolio page develops your online identity. Your internet presence offers you access to millions of individuals who use Google and other search engines to explore potential partners or employees.

How to make a unique online portfolio in 5 Easy Steps?

You can contact Custom Ecommerce Website Development Services to make a unique online portfolio. But here are five easy steps to create a unique online portfolio:

1. Keep things basic and focused

The first thing to create a unique online portfolio is to keep things simple because first impressions matter. When someone visits your portfolio site, you want them to remain and eventually employ you.

In this case, you must guarantee numerous key points. First, your portfolio should be unique and straightforward. Don’t strive to be creative or make your landing page overly crowded. Keep the design as simple as feasible.

Next, make it clear to your visitor what your portfolio is all about. Consider if it adequately addresses the following customer queries:

  • Who is this?
  • Who are they?
  • What else have they done?
  • Do you have any recent work samples?

Who else have they worked for?

  • What do they charge? Their day rate?
  • How do I contact you?

Keeping this in mind, organize your portfolio into sections with a clear purpose. Keep the navigation basic, and the information focused on Home, About, Latest Work, News (or Blog), and Contact.

An introduction should explain who you are and what you do. The extended description may go on your About page. Incorporate a catchy strapline below your name or logo to communicate your creative discipline.

2. Uniquely showcase your most excellent work.

If you want to create a unique online portfolio, Showcase only your most excellent work.

Remember that clients don’t need to see everything you’ve done. All they need is your best work. Just make sure you have a diverse selection to show off your creativity and meet various demands.

Also, if you’re displaying several projects, categorize and label them. It helps visitors identify projects that connect to the services they need.

If you’re trying to fill your portfolio, incorporate non-client work such as side projects to show your ingenuity.

One last point. An online portfolio should be alive. It should evolve and contain new work whenever feasible. Update your portfolio regularly to have a unique online portfolio.

3. Use great photographs

A portfolio isn’t all about you. Like we said earlier, it’s about expressing yourself. You may always add graphics to support the text. Illustrations provide personality, interaction, and fun to the material while highlighting key points.

Illustrations may be used for many reasons and styles. You may use avatars to represent items, processes, timeframes, teams, or yourself!

4. Explain the Deal

The next portion of your portfolio is about your services (if you’re a freelancer) or stating your availability for work (if you’re looking for a job).

Remember, this isn’t just a “hire me” headline. We need more to close the transaction.

Your potential customer is already interested in what you do (they’ve just gone through your list of assignments), so now is the time to persuade them to contact you.

You may display your skills in many ways. You may start with an essential list. However, using separate blocks allows you to concentrate on each talent you bring to the table.

5. Make yourself visible!

Have you tried contacting someone whose social media or email accounts are inactive? Is that bad?

Updating your portfolio is crucial! It’s preferable to leave many ways to reach you. If you want to have a unique online portfolio, make sure it’s still active.