Simple Ways to Increase the Speed of The Computer

Your computer very fast and performed well when it was bought for the first time. Few years have passed away, and the computer is starting to become lazy. Why does this happen? Because they’re machines and start to slow down after using them for so many years. So, what can you do about it? Throw it away? Buy a new one? Maybe upgrade it?

No, you don’t need to do any of them because you can increase computer speed by making some adjustments to it. After that, your computer will perform much better than what it is now for a couple of more years. The ways listed here is cost-effective and will help the computer to increase its operating speed. In case the adjustments don’t work at all, your last option is to visit the service center or contact a technical expert. Ready to speed up your computer? Let’s get started.

1. Decrease the number of programs at Startup

When many programs are running in the background and at the startup, your computer boots and perform slowly, you can avoid by decreasing the startup programs.

It will help to increase computer speed and decrease the boot time. In Windows, you can fix it, follow the steps below:

    1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run
    2. In the Run window field, enter msconfig and click OK.
    3. A window will open, click on the Startup tab, and then click on the Open Task Manager.
    4. At the point when the Task Manager window opens, right-click on the superfluous applications and select Disable.
    5. After that, reboot and see whether your computer speeds up.

2. Add a little extra RAM.

This is the most practice to increase computer speed, and it is also proven. Adding extra RAM helps the computer to take more load and smoothly perform application processing. When you increase the RAM, the virtual memory of the system is enhanced in running programs effectively. RAM comes in different sizes, and to increase the speed, it is a cost-effective approach. Just make sure your computer has slots to add extra RAM.

3. Uninstall bloatware and free up storage

When you purchase a computer, it comes loaded with unnecessary software and application that eats up the memory. These unnecessary storage eaters are called bloatware. They appear as pop-ups and never seen before application. As they consume storage, it is better to uninstall/remove them from your computer. It will help to increase computer speed as some of them run on backgrounds. You can uninstall them by means of settings. If you have unused applications, files, and folders, please move them to an external storage or delete them as they’re consuming your storage. When the computer runs out of storage, it operates slowly, so it looks for all the unused stuff in your computer and removes them.

4. End unnecessary background processes

Unnecessary processes, applications, and services running in the background slow down the computer, especially when you’re working doing multi-tasking. After you disable them, it can increase computer speed.

How can you do it? Through Task Manager.

In Windows 10, press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager. When the window opens, look for all the unnecessary processes running in the background. Click on them and end the task. In earlier Windows versions, press Ctrl + Alt + Del and open the Task Manager. When the Task Manager window opens, right-click on the background process and click on Open Services.

After the Service window opens, right-click and disable the unnecessary files running in the background.

5. Eradicate viruses from your system

When a virus gets into your system, the computer may slow down or perform operations abnormally. If that happens, you must locate the virus and remove it as soon as possible. Now, it’s not possible to manually detect a virus as they’re malicious. You can take the help of advanced 3rd party antivirus to find and remove the virus. As Window Defender Antivirus is not enough to detect evolving viruses, a 3rd party antivirus with capabilities can do the work. Also, you must frequently run full scans and update the antivirus for adequate protection.

6. Disk clean-up & defragmentation

As I said earlier that to increase computer speed, you must remove bloat and unused files. Using disk clean-up, you can find out those unused files and programs, delete them from your computer and free up space.

You must remember that the better the RAM, effective will be the disk clean-up and defragmentation. So, check your RAM, free up the memory or if you need, then add extra memory to get good results.

Final Thought

If you want to speed up the computer’s performance, follow the above adjustments. You will improve than what it is now, and the computer will work properly for a couple of more years. If your computer performs less in the case following the above adjustments, contact your computer’s service center.

Source: 7 Ways to Increase Computer Speed 

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