Services Of An SEO Agency For Your Website

Last Updated: January 20, 2021By Tags:

SEO Agency Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical for literally every single website. 

SEO is the process of making/changing a website to get it to rank on search engines. In other words, to get it seen. 

And that’s the entire point of creating a website, right? Whether it be for a business or a personal blog. 

Unfortunately, though, that is no easy feat. Great content is not enough, and you’re probably not going to just get lucky.

That is why it may be worth looking into hiring a professional SEO agency.

They will have a team of experts who will cover all areas of SEO, to not only help you implement a new SEO strategy but create one that is far more effective and efficient than before.

Here are some ways that an outsourced SEO agency can help get your website seen.


An audit is a complete assessment of your website.

An SEO agency will analyze your entire website to see how SEO friendly it currently is. They will look at what is and what isn’t working, then give you recommendations on how it can improve and what to do going forward.

Technical SEO

The technical side of SEO is super complicated but just as important.

Common technical SEO issues are:

  • Broken links

  • Low text-to-HTML ratio

  • No XML site maps

  • Slow page speed

  • Missing ALT tags

Going through Google to figure out all of the above will take hours, and even then, without professional training, who knows if your efforts will even be worth it. 

An SEO agency will not only have the knowledge but the training and experience to make your site technically sound.


If you operate an e-commerce website, then you’re going to want a strategy that is built for that.

An SEO agency should have experience optimizing e-commerce websites on a number of platforms, including:

  • Shopify
  • WordPress
  • Amazon
  • Wix
  • Etsy
  • Magneto
  • Big Commerce
  • Walmart
  • Facebook Marketplace


YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world.

Which means you should definitely be taking advantage of it. An SEO agency can help you gain visibility on YouTube, as well as create quality and engaging videos.


Whether you are writing blogs as a form of content marketing or to be seen as a writer, an SEO company will get you the exposure you are hoping for.

They can help you:

  • Find and implement keywords
  • Come up with topic ideas you can rank for
  • Get links to your blog
  • Optimize the content you already have.

Link Building

Link building is the process of getting other websites, articles, blogs, etc., to embed a link to your site and content.

This is important, because the more backlinks you have to your site, the better your domain authority is, meaning you will rank higher on Google.

One of the best ways to get links is with outreach. In other words, by asking.

An SEO agency will have strategies to help with your link outreach, such as:

  • Automation tools to streamline the process
  • Templates to write the perfect message
  • Established contacts they can reach out to
  • Research to find other sites to get backlinks from

A Unique Campaign And Strategy

When optimizing your website, it is important that your outsourced SEO agency make it unique with your goals in mind.

Pearl Lemon is an award-winning London SEO agency, who promises to create and/or optimize unique websites for each of their clients.

So when hiring an outsourced SEO agency, make sure that they understand that your website isn’t like other websites, so neither should your SEO strategy.