mistakes to avoid during startup

4 mistakes to avoid while starting a new business

Last Updated: December 27, 2021By

While starting a business every entrepreneur has that urge for success.  But not all can reach there.  To reach your business goals here are some common mistakes to avoid while starting a new business. 

Most startups end in the middle due to various reasons like financial problems, less manpower, unproductive strategies and many more.  

Before you begin to build an empire, ensure you avoid silly mistakes that plague many new businesses. Making firm moves can help avoid hurdles in later stages.  

Few common mistakes to avoid while starting a new business are:

1. Know your target audience 

A common mistake most startups make is they fail to understand to whom they are selling. They do not have a clear target audience to sell their product/service. 

For example: If you are providing a database solution you need to understand who can buy the service from you. Databases can be sold for the B2B industry and the target audience would be Entrepreneurs, Marketers and so on. 

Databases can not be sold for normal people like housewives and employees of the company. If you pitch your service to them obviously they will not be interested nor will they respond because your service is not suitable for them. 

One more example is if you are selling beauty products, your target audience would be ladies from age 19-40 and above. Beauty products like Kajal, eyeliner, lipstick etc can be sold only for ladies. 

In the same way, understand your service/product and know your target audience in order to sell better. 

2. Have a clear market plan 

Most startups make the mistake of overestimating the demand for the products or services and fail to bring their big ideas to the market. 

Before making a business idea you should understand whether your product/service can fulfil your audience’s needs and is there any place for your business idea. 

To understand market trends conduct PESTEL Analysis. By doing analysis you get a deep understanding of the market and competitiveness. 

It is also important to be prepared and willing to shift the business as technologies and clients’ needs change. Adaptability is essential as you go on with business development. 

3. Don’t panic about marketing 

Most startups fail during marketing because they are not assured what they need to focus on during marketing and what strategies they should use during that time. Marketing can be of many forms like a mouth to mouth referrals, traditional marketing, internet marketing. No rules when it comes to marketing. Marketing depends on your business and target audience. 

Most startups invest huge amounts in marketing and get zero results because they are not aware of what fits their business well. Watch your competitors how they market their business and what response they are getting depending on, you can plan your marketing.

4. No Testing and Pivoting 

Entrepreneurs can become successful when they are consistent in testing and pivoting at every stage of work. Make a rough assumption, test it and if it goes disproved, you pivot else you proceed. A startup should be constant in making adjustments and responding to the changes. If you are not up to the mark with tests and pivot, you will be left behind from competition or your investment go in vain. 


Building a startup is not child play. You will come across ups and downs while building your empire. The only way to become a successful entrepreneur is through experience and knowledge. You need to make a proper decision at every step of the journey. You may encounter a lot of problems initially be brave and learn from your mistakes. Avoid the above mistakes while working for your startup. 

Best of Luck!