Relevant Life Insurance for contractors

Why do you need Relevant Life Insurance for Directors

Get the Best & Relevant Life Insurance for Directors in the UK

Relevant Life Insurance for Directors or Contractors provides life insurance to the policyholder’s designated beneficiaries with payments made via a trust deed. These policies function similarly to Keyman policies, which provide death benefits. Life insurance for directors is a business expense. Hence, a contractor can reduce his or her tax liability. 

Small Business

Companies or businesses with a lesser number of employees are usually not eligible to have a group scheme for their team. The relevant life insurance for directors enables them to have a tax-efficient insurance plan. If the employee resigns from the company, the life insurance will be transferred to the business expenses of their new employer. The employee can also decide to switch the life insurance for directors to personal insurance. This means the expenses of the insurance will be deducted from the employee’s income.

Why do you need Company Life Insurance? 

It is human nature to be quite avoidant when it comes to thinking about the uncertainties of life. Nobody likes to think about death. As responsible adults, we have to ensure financial security. You may not require a Relevant Life insurance plan if you have no debts or expenses to consider. Therefore, the relevant life insurance for directors is a tax-efficient life plan. It protects your precious ones if you are worried about your loved ones struggling financially in case of your absence.

Relevant Life Insurance for contractors

Protecting Loved Ones In Absence

This policy provides solutions to questions like, How would your loved ones cope if you suddenly weren’t around? Will they be able to continue paying rent or mortgage? How would they handle necessities like school fees and hospital bills? Can they take care of everyday expenses? If you think your family would likely struggle without you in the picture, relevant Life insurance for directors will help you watch out for your loved ones and have peace of mind knowing that they will be safe, and secure and will have quality living. 

Who Can & Can’t Use This Policy? 

Relevant life insurance for directors is a relatively new aspect of company protection that is specially made for smaller companies, their employees, and directors who are unable to participate in a group life insurance plan due to a less number of employees.


Employees from the age of 16 to 75 years are eligible for Life insurance for directors. The ages could slightly vary according to different companies. The policy’s duration cannot exceed the maximum age. The company can pay the Life insurance for directors on a monthly or yearly basis. The life insurance for directors and inflation-adjusted. Although, life insurance for directors can be taken out based on the declining term.

Limited Firm Stakeholders 

Limited corporations, charities, and partnerships can all obtain relevant life insurance for directors and staff, but sole traders are unable to do so. Unemployed equity partners or stakeholders in a limited organisation are also not eligible to get this insurance.  

Key Benefits

A Relevant Life Insurance for Directors coverage saves money for both employees and the employer. It provides special benefits to directors of small businesses and contractors. Life Insurance for directors helps to ensure the security of the employee’s family in the event of their death. Above all, one can save tax by paying the contractor’s life insurance premium cover for the director. Similarly, life insurance is exclusively for employees but it is a legitimate corporate expense. 

Tax Benefit

HMRC does not approve Life Insurance for Directors as a benefit-in-kind. In short, Neither the employer nor the employee has to pay NI on premiums. There is no requirement to declare this as a P11D benefit. This is not a lifetime allowance and it will have no impact on your pension. Life Insurance for Directors can claim for CT Tax Relief by the employee’s business.

How Much Cover Will You Receive? 

Depending on your age, you can obtain coverage for up to 30 times your annual income with some insurance companies. This is one of the biggest advantages of relevant life insurance for directors over a group scheme. Here is an outline of how the relevant life insurance company offers the cover- 


  • 16 yrs – 39 yrs = 30 x total remuneration
  • 40 yrs – 49 yrs = 20 x total remuneration
  • 50+ yrs = 15 x total remuneration

Is There A Critical Illness Cover? 

HMRC exclusively allows relevant life insurance for directors tax advantages for life coverage. In short, Life insurance for directors does not offer coverage for critical illness. Some insurance companies offer life insurance for directors if diagnosed with a chronic disease. However, this is only possible if your diagnosis predicts that you have less than 12 months. Hence, Income Protection is a good option to consider for those who need illness insurance.  However, Income Protection cannot be merged with relevant life insurance for directors in the same manner as critical illness insurance.  


  • Age

The older we get, the more likely we are to die during the policy’s term. Hence, the higher the premiums will also be high. 

  • Medical Background 

In case of existing medical problems/ conditions, insurers will raise your premiums. Similarly, Insurers will also increase your premium if you are a smoker. This is because smokers have a high chance of premature death. 

  • Policy term

The greater the probability you might die, the higher the cost of life insurance for directors. Therefore, the costs are as higher as the age of the employee.  Similarly, the more coverage you want, the higher the costs will be. 


In conclusion, Contractor Advice offers much-needed assistance with crucial elements of our lives. One of the most important elements undoubtedly is financial security for us and our loved ones. When looking for Relevant Life Insurance for Directors, it is critical to seek advice from experts to help you make the right choice. In Addition, Contractor Advice can support you with any of your questions and issues concerning relevant life insurance for directors.  Visit Contractor Advice UK Website for more information regarding your Insurance, Policy, Accounting and financial products needs.