When You Should Call an Emergency Electrician

Have you ever imagined what it will be like to stay a day or two without electricity? Terrible, we know. Electricity plays a significant role in our daily lives even though it can cause us so much stress at times. Haven’t there been times you left your sandwich maker on or perceived something that seemed like burning wiring somewhere in your home causing you to panic?

These electrical malfunctions don’t happen often, but there are still cases of it as well as breakdowns. That being said, it is important you take note of the warning signs before a malfunction so you can act fast.

We care about your safety so, we have taken the liberty to provide you with five situations which would need you to call emergency electricians in London.

  1. Dimming or Flickering Lights

Dimming or flickering lights is something that has happened one time or another in every home, but such an occurrence shouldn’t be taken lightly because it could indicate a serious issue. Most people make the mistake of associating dimming or flickering to a faulty bulb.

Before you decide to call a domestic electrician, you should first try to check if it’s a faulty bulb that is the culprit. Ensure it’s tightly fixed, then you can proceed to call a domestic electrician if you are not having any luck.

Electrical wires are prone to degrading with time or attack from rodents, so it is necessary for you to call a professional electrician.It isn’t advisable that you play with electrical components, especially when you don’t have the required electrical skills. In such situations, don’t hesitate to ask for professional help.

  1. Tripped circuit breaker

Even though a tripped off circuit breaker is something that usually occurs once in a while without cause for concern, when it occurs frequently, it’s a sign that something is wrong somewhere. The circuit breaker will shut off once it spots an overload in the current flow inorder to prevent the circuit from overheating.

If the circuit gets overloaded, it could lead to both system damage and electrical fire. So at this point, we advise you to contact an emergency electrician.

We have electricians available to you 24 hours to always provide you with solutions to your electrical needs. Depending on how bad the electrical fault is, it can degenerate quickly so the faster, the better.Once our emergency electrician reaches the site, he will first analyse the situation, identify the fault and solve the problem.

  1. Burning smell

Everyone dreads that panic they feel once they smell burning wire. So many questions rush to your head, especially how to find the source of the burning smell. Always remember to do initial checks before you decide to call an electrician.

Perform checks on all your electrical appliances in your home, as well as other surrounding buildings to ensure the smell isn’t from an external source.Once you trace the smell to a certain area, check any sockets around there and unplug all appliances around that area until the electrician arrives.

If you can identify any signs of burn around the outlets, then it indicates an issue with the internal connections. At this point, please wait for an electrician to arrive and give him all the necessary information.

  1. Outlet Electric Sparks

You should ensure never to undermine an electric spark in an outlet because this issue can cause an electrical breakdown or burn down your home.

Age and short-circuiting are amongst the several things that could cause a spark in your outlet. Switch off all appliances and disconnect them then you can go ahead and contact our qualified electricians in London that are available round the clock.

  1. Lack of emergency systems in your home

If you find yourself needing to install emergency systems in your home, you would need an electrician that offers emergency systems. Emergency systems like alarms are used to protect the home against burglars and fire incidences, so its use cannot be quantified. Emergency systems can be installed anywhere as long as it’s in a building structure.

At Electric Works London, we are aware that electrical malfunction can occur at anytime, so we have professional electricians available 24/7 to attend to your request.

Contact us on 020 71834006 or send us a mail toif you need the help of a professional electrician in London.