Surya Namaskar

What is Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)?

Last Updated: May 29, 2021By Tags:

Surya is the Sanskrit word for Sun, and Namaskar is the Sanskrit word for bowing or greeting. As a consequence, Surya Namaskar is also known as Sun Salutation in English. Each of the 12 postures is followed by a mantra or chant in conventional forms of the asana. The 12 zodiac signs are represented by the mantras, which provide energy to the body.

The roots of Surya Namaskar are riddled with inconsistencies. Some believe it originated 2500 years ago during the Vedic period, when it was performed as a ritual that included prostrating toward the rising sun, chanting mantras, and offering rice and water.

Surya Namaskar postures improve muscle endurance while also engaging various parts of the body. As a result, the body is prepared to perform more demanding and powerful asanas. Sun Salutation will also assist you in acquiring spiritual insight and wisdom. It relaxes the mind and encourages one to think more clearly.

Surya Namaskar has undergone many changes over the years, and as a result, there are many variations today. Santana (Mountain Pose), Urdhva Hastasana (Raised Hands Pose), Santana (Standing Forward Bend), Santana with head raised, Ado Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose), Urdhva Bukhara Savanna (Upward-Facing Dog Pose), Khachaturian Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose). In the above series, you can make a shift. You may also do Savanna (Boat Pose), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), and Marichyasana (Sage Pose) in addition to these.

Best Time to Practice Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Early in the morning is the best time to perform Surya Namaskar. However, if you are short of time, you can do it later in the evening. However, make sure your stomach is empty before beginning your yoga routine.

Practicing Sun Salutation first thing in the morning will revitalize the body and mind. It makes you more engaged while still preparing your body to take on daily tasks with zeal. Another advantage of doing this yoga series first thing in the morning is that the ultraviolet rays are not as powerful. As a result, your skin will not be overexposed to the sun, and you will be able to fully reap the benefits of surya namaskar.

If you’re a beginner who wants to do Surya Namaskar in the morning, you should begin by practising it in the evening. The explanation for this is that our joints are more relaxed and our body muscles are more engaged in the evening, making it easier to perform different poses. It is possible to suffer serious consequences if you perform Sun Salutation with a stiff body. You can start your yoga routine in the morning once you’ve mastered all 12 steps.


When performed outside, this yoga sequence will allow you to develop a strong bond with the natural world. You can even do it indoors, but make sure the space is well ventilated.


What Does Scientific Research Say About Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)?

All of us lead frantic lives. As a result, depression, stress, and other mental illnesses torment us. Surya Namaskar is a yoga technique that relieves certain problems while also calming the mind.

. The researchers selected 30 students between the ages of 18 and 24 for their analysis. After the experiment was completed, it was discovered that practising Sun Salutation had a beneficial effect on their psychological outlook and enhanced their concentration skills.

There are already debates about including Sun Salutation in school curricula. A group of 64 students participated in a study called “Effects of Surya Namaskar on Sustained Attention in School Children.” They found that after a month of practising this yoga series, the children’s attention spans had greatly improved.


Another research looked at the impact of Surya Namaskar on children’s cardiovascular and respiratory systems, finding that daily practise of the yoga technique decreased children’s heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate.

. Its daily activity, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, aids in the development of a solid upper body. It also increases the strength of your lower body muscles and your back muscles.


According to the same study, practising Surya Namaskar leads to a major reduction in female body weight, but not so much in males. Obesity has become a significant problem in today’s world. Many women use a number of strategies to lose weight, including supplements, gym workouts, and strict diets.

Despite the fact that this yoga series has been around for decades. The scientific community has only recently begun to pay attention to it. As a result, several experiments have been completed successfully. The current data, however, is inadequate. ]We hope that the information given above, as well as the research articles, will put your mind at ease and encourage you to confidently practise Sun Salutation.