WordPress website design

What are The Ways to Protect Your WordPress Website?

What Are the Security Vulnerabilities?

As the world is moving online, the security vulnerabilities of websites are also increasing. According to a recent survey, by 2025, the loss due to cybercrime damage may touch USD 10.50 trillion. WordPress website design services also have some vulnerabilities which can be overcome. Vulnerabilities may include –

  • SQLi or SQL Injection
  • Cross Site Request Forgery or often called CSRF
  • DDos Attack
  • XSS or the Cross Site Scripting
  • Authentication bypass
  • LFI or the Local File Inclusion etc.

Ways to Make WordPress Website Secure

Following is a list of measures popular and the web designers in Dubai to secure a WordPress website –

Measure One: WordPress Version to be Updated Regularly

WordPress does the regular bug fixes and security patch updates by updating the version. So it is recommended to update the version regularly through the admin Dashboard panel.

Measure Two: Secure Admin Login Credentials

You are recommended to follow –

  • Not to have easy-to-guess login credentials
  • Detect and avoid hotspot honeypots, generally the public Wi-Fi networks
  • Install and make use of VPN or Virtual Private Network

Measure Three: Blocklist and Safelist creation

You are recommended to enable the URL lockdown to protect the website from brute force attacks and unauthorised IPs. Web application firewalls like Sucuri are recommended during web design in Dubai through WordPress

Measure Four: Be Selective in Picking Themes and Plugins

While availing WordPress website design services, you are requested to select a theme from the official repository. Remember that themes and plugins contain codes and can easily be used to gain unauthorised access. Services offer free, or cheap-priced articles should be properly inspected before availing the service. Also, unused plugins and themes should be removed.

Measure Five: Regular Backup is Recommended

This is a damage control mechanism often used and suggested by web designers in Dubai. If the backup is available, damage can be minimised by unpublishing your website during a security breach.

Measure Six:  Install the Secure Sockets Layer

By installing SSL certificate, you will enjoy multi-fold advantages –

  • Data encryption between the visitor and website makes it impossible to steal important data.
  • Boost SEO of the website to gain more visitors.
  • The website address will contain HTTPS. It infuses a sense of trust among the visitors.

Measure Seven: The Remaining Checklist

  • Enable limiting the number of failed log-in attempts on your website. It significantly reduces the chances of brute force attacks by hackers. Suspicious activity monitoring also becomes possible through this feature.
  • Enabling features to log out idle users automatically. WordPress security plugin called ‘Inactive Logout’ is available for that.
  • Latest PHP version to be updated
  • A Regular WordPress security scan is to be done.
  • File editing facility in WordPress dashboard to be disabled.
  • In-use WordPress version should be visible to the visitors.


Websites designing in Dubai are always a prime target among hackers due to the high living standards of the place. Hence, web design in Dubai automatically comes with an added service consisting of the website’s security features those are unique and attractive.