Top HR Services that Will Be the Primary Focus Post Pandemic

Last Updated: October 16, 2020By Tags: , ,

For any company with an HR department, they understand the criticality of the department’s workers. The HR services they provide are essential – from hiring to firing, from training to counseling – all this and more come under the umbrella of the HR department. With the pandemic affecting the national economy, things have slowed down a bit, but for the people who can work from their homes, HR needs to make sure that the employees have everything they need to complete their work; this includes a stable mental state.

As we all look towards turning back to our everyday lives as soon as possible, we all know, certain aspects of our lives have changed. Companies might not ask all employees to return to the office; as these organizations recover from this terrible recession, they will save money where possible, including saving on overhead costs incurred with an office. Post pandemic, many corporations will continue having their staff work from home. With such a work model in place, the HR department will have their work cut out in certain areas. Whether the company decides to save money and enlist HR outsourcing companies or add more resources to the HR Department, the following services will be the primary focus post-pandemic.

Post Pandemic Recruitment and the Positive Role of HR Consulting Firms

As the country comes out of the pandemic, economic activity will eventually pick up, and that means that companies that had let go of staff to save costs will need to hire again. The HR department will need to have all hands on deck to find the right person for the vacancies that will pop up. If they bring back old employees, provided they are still on the job hunt, it will save time and money on the onboarding and training process. However, more business will require more staff to handle it; companies might even consider getting assistance from HR consulting firms like HR Options to ease the load and save cost.

Post-Pandemic Policy Making

Most companies are office-based and their employees work in the office for them; HR will need to devise new policies for the work at home staff and the staff who commute to work. As mentioned, companies will try to save money wherever they can while recovering, which means reducing overheads. However, for the business with retail outlets and corporate offices, their HR will need to set up new policies for work-at-home and commute-to-work employees.

Post-Pandemic Employee Productivity Monitoring

HR departments will need to implement new technologies for leave management and keeping track of the time the employee has worked from home.  This implementation will not be easy as there is usually a supervisor or manager keeping check in the office. A solution will be required for supervision and employee productivity management. During the pandemic, things were slow – meaning not that much work came in. However, post-pandemic employee productivity will need to be high to match the demand while saving costs.

Post-Pandemic Employee Motivation

HR will have another critical job to keep the employees’ morale high and motivate them to go the extra-mile post-pandemic. This job will be difficult since there will be limited interaction and most counseling sessions will need to be done online.  Although depending on the severity, a group counseling session or a temporary meeting area could be arranged for this purpose. Besides the morale-building sessions, HR will need to use other methods for increasing employee motivation while keeping the cost to a minimum.


Although there might be other responsibilities, the ones we have mentioned will be critical to any company’s success. Looking at how businesses will focus on saving costs, many may choose to outsource all or specific HR responsibilities to specialist HR firms. These HR consulting firms have vast experience in all HR related matters and can carry out duties with excellence while costing much less than if done in-house.