civil service exam

The competition for civil service exams are very high

Last Updated: September 28, 2021By Tags: , ,

Mohan prepared for his civil service exams for 2 years and wanted to know his lucky moment of the day. He found out that if he carried the symbol of Lord Ganesha, he would be successful today. It was full of confidence and appeared on the exam with an open mind. He passed the exam with flying colors and was stunned by the predictions of astrology. There are several such examples where people got their required job by the following astrology.

Civil servants are people who are employed in the public service as a body or authority. Every year hundreds of thousands of candidates prepare for the civil service exam and apply for several thousand positions. Many of them work in administration and have many responsibilities for the welfare of the community and district. They exhibit qualities such as honesty, accountability, responsibility, impartiality, and commitment. It is a fact that civil servants are one of the most respected people in society.

What are factors which helps you to become civil servants?

The question is, is it possible to use a person’s hard to predict a person will become a civil servant, or should we compare the birth cards of thousands of people who take this exam of civil services? The combination of becoming a civil servant is quite rare. Therefore it is only from a person’s birth certificate that it can be known for sure whether that person can become a civil servant or not. We don’t need to compare it to someone else’s birth card. The Sun & Moon represent the government.

A civil servant works in a government department or agency, and therefore at least one of them must have a good career for someone to get a job in a government agency. This condition applies not only to becoming a civil servant but also to accepting a public service position. If these conditions are not met, no further analysis is required. Then another planet will lead your career, and the doors of government jobs will be closed to you.

 Astrology has the power to predict your success at civil service exams, and it can be beneficial for you if you check your horoscope for your shot at the exam

At least three planets in the natal chart must be good for a career. Having the Sun & Moon very well placed on your map does not guarantee that you will become a civil servant. Then you need to see how many planets support your career in civil services. While the top combination is 2, 6, 10, and 11, only 10 and 11 on most or more of the same planet make a person capable enough to become an official.

Three is the minimum requirement, but it is observed that government officials usually have about five planets exhibiting the combination. This is because you need three planets to transit, and you are crossing three planets (major, sub, and sub-period) at once. Chances are, the three planets you support will meet the transit requirements for each civil service exam and interview.

Civil servants are considered the most prestigious positions in the country. IAS officials are the ones who develop progressive plans for the country, and ministers implement them. So today, let’s discuss astrological combinations for successful officials.

The planets and houses responsible for a career in civil services are:

  • Sun: The sun symbolizes government, power, political power, personal magnetism, etc.
  • Moon:Moon symbolizes the power of the mind, social responsibility, popularity, moral and religious actions, etc.
  • Mars: Mars is military operations, defense, courage, courage, police, soldiers, engineers, etc.
  • Jupiter:Jupiter represents judges, ministers, lawyers, legal affairs, bankers, and more.
  • Bhavas about successful officials.
  • 3rd house:The civil service exam is considered one of the most difficult performance tests in the country, and the 3rd house is courage, competitiveness.
  • 6th house:The 9th house is Bhagya Sthana, the 9th house of the 10th house is the 6th house. The 6th house and the well-placed 6th lord will join forces to enjoy the benefits of the country.

 Want to serve your country as an IAS? Want to know some accurate predictions about your success at the civil service exams? Get in touch with an astrological expert today

The exam and interview periods show when you’re over or behind. Even if you can pass the exam, the difficult planetary timeframe will not allow you to pass the exam, and the interviewer will reject you. The planetary exam and interview period are very important as it has the final say on your choice. In this case, the participation of the sun/moon is required. Assuming you have support for the sun on your chart when the moon is against it, conjunctions or sun aspects will work, and you should ignore the moon.

Since the moon isn’t in your favor, it won’t help you get a job in the government, but it won’t be able to cause any problems. So you don’t have to worry about aspects of the planets being poorly placed. The sun and moon played a large role in the production of influential clerical workers. Mark the positions of the sun and moon. The 9th ruler of the Sun is in Lagna, and the ruler of Lagna, Jupiter, creates Parivartan Yoga in the 9th house.

Importance of 8th house with sun

The 8th Moon Lord greatly influenced the sun. I have explained that a planet is good for civil services jobs in career astrology if it means houses 2, 6, 10, and 11 and does not mean a combination of 6, 8, and 12. If a planet means both, then the 6th house will be against it and only 10 and 11, which could help. The numbers 10 and 11 should exceed the numbers 6, 8, and 12, and two helps a bit. Lord Venus is well located in the 11th house, a strong aspect of Saturn. Lord Mercury is in the 12th house and is looking at the 6th house. 8.

Lord Luna is in the 7th house with a great view of the sun over Lagna. The 3rd house is critical to the success of the performance test. Well-placed lighting fixtures are key to influencing administrative staff.