Custom packaging

Steps to Make Custom Apparel Packaging an Inspiration for Social Media

Last Updated: November 6, 2021By Tags: ,

Social media has come to define apparel brand marketing in more ways than many would imagine. Custom packaging is the biggest influencer that convinces customers of the brand’s worth and flashes across the unboxing videos.

With over 500,000 Instagram posts tagged #unboxing, and an over 800% increase in YouTube video searches with unboxing in their title; the power of packaging on social media is bigger than you might think.

The apparel products are part of a huge and thriving industry. E-commerce has undoubtedly contributed to brands having international customers access too. Packaging becomes even more vital in expanding the brand’s reach and becoming prominent in new waters.

Brands operating in apparel consumer markets are constantly putting their best foot forward through revised packaging boxes. These contain effective product protection coupled with exclusive branding that sticks out immediately.

The social media influx and sales levels

How are these two aligned? If the figures are anything to go by, a large and increasing number of buyers consider the online reviews about brands to buy from them. A large portion of these videos is about the apparel boxes and how they effectively add to the overall shopping experiences.

But how do customized apparel boxes be shared rapidly on social media?

To reap the endless benefits of positive unboxing videos, it is imperative that your brand gives a convincing first impression to transit the opening procedure into an exciting process. Easier to say but hard to achieve; we know it and provide you with comprehensive steps that drum up your apparel packaging.

Let’s begin!

Knitting a memorable customer experience through knowing them first

We all deliver apparel items in the hope that they would be loved by customers. But before buyers lay their hands on the actual product, they analyze the boxes these come in.

What can be done here?

Naturally, apparel boxes must reflect the excitement the buyers feel when they order online. They look forward to physically receiving the apparel items. It is an effective POS that your brand can grab to improve sales and the chances of being more worthy of social media sharing.

For this, you must realize who your core customers are. Are you selling to infants, youngsters, teenagers, or older buyers? The nature of the products selects the customer demographic. Determining this is the first step towards designing worthy apparel boxes that customers would instantly relate to.

For example, soothing pastel colors and elegant fonts can evoke a sense of luxury, while bold colors and block fonts can give a sense of tradition or heritage. However, custom apparel boxes are much more than the color or font used on them. The shape and style of the box also lend themselves well to creating a full customer experience.

Layout your brand message on the boxes

While many apparel brands realize the significance of printing on the outside of the boxes, they leave the inside edges boring and barren.

When buyers open the custom packaging, the inner box panels become more apparent. Leaving them plain is not wise when they can be utilized to improve seller-buyer communication.

Think about it yourself; would buyers be encouraged to share boxes that offer just a conventional look or ones that go beyond that to surprise customers with creative messages on every opening flap? The latter ones we suppose!

There has to be something else on top of the brand logo, title, and product name embossed on the box tops. You have the chance to use the apparel boxes for marketing the brand and letting customers know why they should opt for it every time they shop.

But you don’t want to cover up every available inch of the box to the point of looking cluttered. Be careful of customizing your box design with just as much care and attention that you did when designing the product itself. It could be small detailing such as welcome notes, captivating taglines, or just color hues supporting the brand image, that add more weightage to the apparel boxes and up their chances of being shared at online portals.

Eye for social media relevance when box designing

What does this mean?

Evolving trends and customer behaviors have a lot of influence on how you design apparel boxes. Let’s say that the current color hues include lighter tones, would customers be interested in boxes that support these? Of course!

Colors are pioneers in setting the customers’ mood. Sometimes, colors can make or break a deal. Online shopping depends on how well the brand establishes itself among clients. Custom printed shipping boxes made with interesting and modern color combos are sure to be more visible and radiate brand recognition.

Noteworthy apparel packages aren’t designed overnight. More now than ever, social media is playing a key role in how packages are being designed and developed. People expect to see their boxes to be at par with the current box scenario.

Packaging has the dual purpose of wowing customers, as well as protecting the products throughout the shipping process before reaching the eagerly waiting customers.  Focus everything to lend itself to the brand image and compel customers to share their memorable brand contact with others online.

Use the boxes for more than just a visual display

So far, we have discussed how the apparel boxes should look. But what about the texture and feel?

When buyers get the apparel items, they get the brand feel by touching the boxes. Opting for vibrant and signature textures will create a strong brand aura. Texture tends to lend itself well to apparel products that want to present themselves as more natural and earthy. It is crucial to convey that your brand chooses sustainable and cleaner custom packaging materials too. This way, the customers would be encouraged to pick the brand for sheer compliance with environmental guidelines and prompt others to do the same.


Customers have crazy amounts of choices these days. The surging numbers of sellers in the apparel industry heavily compete on social media appearances.