QuickBooks Error 6177

Resolve QuickBooks Error -6177 – Troubleshooting & Support

Last Updated: July 14, 2022By Tags:

QuickBooks error 6177 occurs whenever customers attempt to access or open the company file. Your display screen will show the error message: “QuickBooks trying to open this company case.” He states that QB cannot practice the track necessary to open the case. This error can be fixed by simply updating your QuickBooks Desktop template. Restart your computer to verify that the error has been fixed.

This newsletter will help you understand the causes and a few solutions to “QuickBooks Error 61177”.

Causes of QuickBooks Error 6177

The QuickBooks error 6177 must be attributed to one of the following reasons:

  • Malware or virus infections
  • File track corruption or the file itself may be a possibility.
  • You accidentally deleted the gadget similar to QuickBooks boost files.

The QuickBooks error 6177 does not allow a worker access to the company file from their computer. This message will help you stay up when you leave. It can be annoying and aggravating.

How to Fix the QuickBooks Error 6177

Method 1: Copy the company file to the hard disk

  • Go to the corporate folder, then press C: by using the server.
  • You wish you could have opened the company file with QuickBooks.
  • Make a portable file and place it aside under native C pressure.
  • Close the company file, and then repair the transportable file.
  • Next, choose your company file to access it from your server.

Method 2: Run QuickBooks File Doctor

To fix the QuickBooks Error 6177, you can also use QB File Doctor. It is most commonly used to diagnose and correct problems similar to QB.

QuickBooks File Doctor

Method 3 – Manually fix error 6177

  1. First, ensure that all QuickBooks-related files are closed.
  2. It is important that you delete the mechanically generated network description (ND) file.
  3. Next, locate the file with the.ND extension in the folder that contains the company file.
  4. Right-click the ND file to select Delete
  5. How to organize the QuickBooks Database Manager
  • Click on the Start Menu and choose Programs.
  • Next, switch to QuickBooks by clicking on QuickBooks Database Server Manager.
  • Windows 8 clients: Press the Windows Key, locate QuickBooks Database Manager, and click on it.
  • Click on the Add Folder button.
  • Click on the strategy you wish to analyze.
  • Close the window once scanning is complete.

6. Next, follow these steps to verify that you have the right permissions to access this file.

  • You will need to contact the Configure Folder permissions webpage to share the files and ensure that the permissions are correct.
  • Transfer all options and make a QB choice if you do not want to authorize QuickBooks.

7. Now, open the QuickBooks company file by moving it to the native track.
8. Error 6177 can occur when files are opened via the web hosting gadget. This is why it is important to make sure that your company file is uploaded to the community.

  • Open My Computer, and if your file is found in Network Devices/Network Locations, right-click it and choose Properties.
  • Using laborious pressure, you can then access company files.

9. Make any other folder.

  • To open My Computer, press Windows + E.
  • Double-click on C to create a new folder.
  • Navigate to a brand new knowledge folder. Copy company files to the folder.

Install QuickBooks Database Manager

  • Click the Start icon on Windows, select QuickBooks from the Programs tab, and navigate to QB Database Manager.
  • Click on Add Folder Policy and then click OK.
  • Continue the steps above, and then click on the Scan button.
  • To verify that permissions are granted to the corporate file in Windows, go to “Configure File Permissions”.
  • Disable and re-enable Web hosting if QuickBooks is installed. Next, open the folder for the company that was affected by the error.


This newsletter will help you understand the causes and a few solutions to “QuickBooks Error 61177”.