Print Checks in QuickBooks Online

Last Updated: March 10, 2022By Tags: ,

The QuickBooks accounting software is diverse in terms of fulfilling the needs of accounting for diverse business organizations. However, for any sort of quick assistance, a user always has the freedom to connect with QuickBooks customer service. Paying bills via the latest technology of online banking or mobile. But, when it comes to transactions involving a large sum of money the option of using Print Checks in QuickBooks Online is still more secured and more sought after.

Check Printing in QuickBooks 

Creating a check is an important part of a transaction. The making of a check may involve different transactions but has a similar effect on the account of the user. A check will credit the asset account which means it will reduce the balance from the account and will debit the sum of money to the account of the product or service provider. A check may also be used to pay back a loan to a bank or an individual. There are mainly three main types of checks available on the accounting software of QuickBooks. One may use a particular type depending on the number of transactions and the current needs of the business organization.

Basic Voucher Check

The basic voucher checks have been designed and developed to suit the needs of Payroll and Accounts activities. It comes with an excellent feature of stub sharing. A part of the stub can be transferred to the employee or the owing party and the other can be kept for the personal use of the company. It is the cheapest among the types of checks and is, therefore, more often used by small and medium-sized organizations for regular transactions.

Secure Plus Voucher Checks

Business organizations need to use Secure Plus Voucher checks for transactions involving higher sums of money. It provides higher levels of security as compared to the basic voucher check. A heat-sensitive icon is available on the check that does not allow the check to be photocopied. The check is secured against any illicit changes or tampering by providing a secured coating over the check. For the final level of security against any sort of fraudulence, a custom watermark is available on the check. The advanced levels of security make it costlier for the organizations but also provide a higher level of security. Hence any transactions that are not regular and involve a higher sum or amount may be done via using it.

Secured Premium Voucher Checks

The Secured Premium Voucher Checks are the most secured kind of checks among the three. Apart from the basic levels of security that are present in Secure Plus Voucher Checks it also has an additional feature of a secured hologram. The presence of a secured hologram makes it almost impossible for anyone to conduct any sort of mischievous activities and fraudulence with the issued check. Using checks for regular transactions is not uncommon despite the introduction of diverse modes of payments. Being able to invest in a secured mode of transaction maintains the peace of mind of the managing department of the business organization.