Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) – Advantages and Disadvantages
Recently, frozen embryo transfer or FET procedure has captured the attention of many patients who are facing infertility problems. There are multiple types of Infertility treatments like follicular monitoring, IUI, ICSI, FET etc. helping millions to embrace parenthood.
But, the practical and superior among all is IVF with FET treatment giving high success rate in India.
In Jaipur, Pink city of India, many couples are facing a problem in conceiving a baby. And the reason behind this is infertility problems. This is because nowadays everyone is so busy in their daily lives that they can’t even get time for each other.
Even, they have a stressful and hectic life due to which also such infertility problem develops. But now with the revolutionary IVF treatments, infertility problems have taken back stage in everyone’s life.
Mishka IVF is prime and leading IVF hospital in Rajasthan capital city. IVF specialist Dr. Ruchi Bhandari is the eminent doctor for curing all infertility problems with an experience of 7+ years suggest IVF to couple above 40 years of age. She also recommends FET with IVF to women who have severe complications and can go for more than one IVF cycle.
Under her guidance, we have jotted down important points related to frozen embryo transfer in IVF, with a purpose to help our readers have better understanding of –
- What is the frozen embryo transfer?
- Advantage and disadvantage of FET
- Which IVF center is best for FET
Brief Knowing of Frozen Embryo Transfer
Frozen embryo transfer or commonly known as FET, is a process in IVF treatment where instead of fresh embryos, the IVF doctor uses the preserved embryos for IVF process.
Primarily, in IVF process woman’s eggs are retrieved from her body and fertilized with male sperm in a lab dish in a high-tech lab. Then the fertilized egg known as embryo is transplanted back in woman’s uterus for further development. Some female bodies are not adaptable and cannot survive transplanted embryo thus showing negative in pregnancy result. The infertility expert then helps the woman’s body in gaining adaptability through medicines before the second cycle of IVF.
In between the embryos that are fertilized outside, female bodies are in numbers. Only a single embryo is been used in one IVF cycle. Some women prefer to use the cryopreservation’s services of IVF clinic to preserve these unused embryos for later use.
The unused embryos are freeze in -195 degree using nitrogen gas. When a female body is prepared for the second IVF cycle or when they want to get pregnant, the IVF expert uses the frozen embryos in IVF. But before transferring the embryos are thawed and bought back in their normal temperature.
It is evident that IVF with FET skip the early stages of fetching the eggs and fertilizing it into embryos, hence the FET makes IVF process quick and successful.
Thus, the FET process is the most demanding for being safest IVF treatment nowadays in Jaipur city of India.
6 Advantages of Frozen Embryo Transfer
Apart from the being speedy and reliable IVF process, the other 6 main advantages of the frozen embryo are as follows-
- IVF with FET cycle would result in normal and healthier pregnancies.
- The cost of FET process is affordable and under the range of ordinary people.
- The process of the frozen embryo is easy to monitor.
- The baby which is born from a frozen embryo IVF cycle is normal baby weight.
- The process of FET is less stressful and painful for the patients.
- During the time of egg retrieval process, the hormones in the female’s body are high. And the high level of hormones causes the uterus lining less welcoming for the embryo.
5 Disadvantages of Frozen Embryo Transfer
According to best IVF doctor in Jaipur, FET has its own set of cons. She says that the IVF clinic needs to mention the disadvantages also to their patients. According to her there are 5 disadvantages of frozen embryo transfer, and they are as follows:-
- The process of the FET is recommended only if the patient has the thick lining of the uterus, otherwise it would be harmful for the patient.
- There can be a failure in the FET cycle if the progesterone level of women goes up very soon.
- If there is a speedy increase of premature ovulation in the female’s body, then the chances of pregnancy become less.
- If the uterine cavity of a woman is filled up with fluid, then the result of FET process is negative.
- The wrongly thawed embryo sometimes leads to failure in FET procedure.
Mishka IVF Center – Best IVF Clinic for FET
Having the best IVF center in the capital city of Rajasthan, for frozen embryo transfer procedure is much easy and accessible now. As we have the most demanding and successful Mishka IVF center in Jaipur, pink city.
The Mishka IVF hospital is the best IVF clinic in Jaipur for conceiving a baby through the frozen embryo transfer cycle.
The IVF clinic has the best encouraging team members and staff. Also, the ambience of the IVF center is neat and clean with proper sanitization, and staff wears a mask at the time of surgeries, so that there would be no chances of infection. Every staff member of the IVF center is supportive during the entire process of IVF treatment.
IVF Surgeon – Dr. Ruchi Bhandari for FET
Dr. Ruchi Bhandari is the high-class and predominant IVF surgeon at Mishka IVF center in pink city Jaipur. The humble IVF specialists treat the patient with extra love, care and support.
Moreover, Dr. Ruchi Bhandari is the director and head of Mishka IVF center. Also, she is the infertility specialist trained in Chennai and an MS (OB/Gyn)(Gold medalist) from Pune, India.
Besides this, Dr. Ruchi Bhandari is eminent in providing the services like-
consultant gynecologists, cosmetic gynecologists and infertility specialists.
The Conclusion Of The Blog
From the above article, we conclude that the Mishka IVF hospital is the effective and best IVF center for frozen embryo transfer. The one who is suffering from an infertility issue and wants to have the best IVF treatment, then you must try the Mishka IVF center in pink city Jaipur.