
Exercises for Finger, Wrist and Hand Problems

Last Updated: August 19, 2022By Tags:

Our wrist and hand frequently suffer from pain due to an improper setup at the workstation, the wrong sleeping routine, or overworking. If we work like lifting large bags of weight, this weight is often enough to stress the wrist and finger muscles. However, most of us don’t even think about hand strengthening exercises. However, wrist and hand exercises for strengthening are essential to ensure healthy hand health, efficiency, and long-term health. Suppose we don’t perform activities to strengthen our hands. In that case, we could be suffering from wrist pain, hand pain, finger fatigue, and even a severe illness such as Carpal tunnel osteoarthritis and many others.

Range of wrist exercise

If you are wearing a splint or a cast, you might notice a tightness in the joints and muscles around the wrist. It is Common. So your hand therapist will suggest exercises following the removal of the splint to help restore and restore wrist flexibility. It refers to the flexibility that is the foundation of the wrist joints

Restore range of motion by performing a range of motion::

  1. Hold your hands in front of you
  2. Then slowly extend your hand and fingers to signal someone to stop.
  3. Hold this hand with the hand that isn’t injured, and hold this position for a minimum of 5 seconds, then let your hand relax.
  4. Repeat the procedure at most five times
  5. Then, flex your wrist downwards by bringing your arm in the direction of your body.
  6. After that, gradually apply pressure on your hand by holding it while clenching your hand back to get it back into the position. Keep this posture for five seconds
  7. Try it five times a day to get more results.

Additionally, your therapist might suggest a few exercises that turn your hands over. Simple exercises such as carrying the soup bowl can be thought of. Then Therapist will work on improving your wrist’s flexion and extension even if your wrist bends down and up.

Rubber band finger extension

If you work working in a field that requires you to type often, for example, typist, copywriter, or content writer, Your fingers are likely to stay in a flexed position for between 8 and 9 hours. This could cost you in the event that you do not take proper care of your hands. To keep your fingers fit, practice finger flexion exercises.

This workout isn’t just beneficial for your fingers it also helps to take care of your wrists and arms as well.

Here’s how you can perform this exercise:

Here is a step-by-step method of performing finger extension exercises:

  1. Use the rubber band
  2. Place your forearms on the flat surface or wooden table
  3. Then, wrap the rubber band that is around the fingertips
  4. Then, gradually stretch your fingers against the rubber band.
  5. The stretched position should be held for 3 seconds, then released and returned to the original position.
  6. Do it 10 to 15 times.
  7. It is mandated to perform this finger extension exercise four times per week to get the optimum outcome.

Hand grip on the towel

This towel is the sole hand-grip equipment for exercise.

Follow the steps step by step.

  1. Make a hand towel and fold it in half-size, or roll it into hot dogs,
  2. Place your forearm on a flat surface in the res position.
  3. Now, gradually squeeze the towel.
  4. Hold the posture for minimum of 5 seconds
  5. Repeat this 10-15 times to reap the maximum benefits.

Rubber band finger extension

If you’re working in a field in which you are required to type often, for example, typist, copywriter, or content writer Your fingers are likely to be in a constant in a flexed position for between 8 and 9 hours. This could cost you in the event that you do not take proper care for your hands. To keep your fingers healthy, you should practice finger flexion exercises.

Here’s how you can complete this exercise:

Here is a step-by-step procedure for doing finger extension exercises:

  1. Make an elastic band
  2. Place your forearms on the flat surface or wooden table
  3. Then, wrap the rubber band that is around the finger tips
  4. Then, gradually stretch your fingers against the elastic rubber band.

Putty exercise for thumbs and fingers

Playing with putty and using it is an excellent method to strengthen your fingers after a fracture. Therapeutic putty is an extremely useful hand exercise tool that is favoured by rehabilitation therapists. Today, therapeutic putty comes with different resistance. You must select the one that matches the strength of your finger, and take the advice of a therapist to choose the best option.

Hand grip exercise. With hand gripper

If your therapist takes off your cast might experience difficulties gripping or holding things. In this case your hand therapist may recommend to do hand therapy with grip strengthening exerciser.