Can Fenugreek Treat Your Problem with ED

Last Updated: November 9, 2022By


Fenugreek is a herb native to the Mediterranean region, southern Europe, and western Asia that resembles clover. The seeds are used for cooking, medicinal purposes, and to mask the flavor of other medicines. Fenugreek seeds smell and taste something like maple syrup. In India, fenugreek leaves are used as a vegetable. fildena 100 tablet is most importance for male. Fenugreek is taken orally for digestive issues such as appetite loss, upset stomach, constipation, and stomach inflammation (gastritis). Additionally, fenugreek is utilized to treat diabetes, uncomfortable menstruation, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and obesity. It is also prescribed for disorders that influence heart health, such as atherosclerosis and excessive blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

Beriberi, mouth ulcers, boils, bronchitis, infection of the tissues beneath the surface of the skin (cellulitis), TB, chronic coughs, chapped lips, baldness, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and exercise performance are all treated with fenugreek.


Uses & Effectiveness Fenugreek

  • Diabetes. Some research indicates that taking fenugreek seed mixed with food after a meal reduces blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetics. However, whereas 5-50 grams of fenugreek seed taken once or twice daily appears to be effective, lesser doses of 2.5 grams do not appear to be effective. 50 grams of fenugreek seed powder twice daily appears to reduce the quantity of sugar in the urine of patients with type 1 diabetes.
  • Painful menstrual periods (dysmenorrhea). Taking 1800-2700 mg of fenugreek seed powder three times per day for the first three days of a menstrual period, followed by 900 mg three times per day for the next two menstrual cycles, lowers discomfort in women with painful menstrual periods. Additionally, the demand for analgesics was reduced.
  • Increasing sexual interest. A daily dose of 600 milligrams of a specific fenugreek seed extract appears to boost sexual desire in young, healthy women with a low libido.
  • Enhanced sexual performance A daily dose of 600 mg of a particular fenugreek seed extract  appears to improve sexual performance and interest in older men who have begun to lose interest, as well as in healthy younger men.


Insufficient Evidence to Rate Effectiveness for Fenugreek

  • Exercise performance:-

There are contradictory findings concerning the impact of fenugreek on physical performance. Young men who take 500 mg of a fenugreek supplement (Indus Biotech, India) for eight weeks see a reduction in body fat and an increase in testosterone levels, but no change in muscle strength or endurance. Other research, however, indicates that consuming 500 mg of fenugreek extract (Torabolic, Indus Biotech) daily for eight weeks decreases body fat and improves leg and bench press performance in young men. In addition, preliminary research indicates that ingesting 300 mg of fenugreek compounds per day may help men perform more bench press exercises, but does not appear to help them lift more weight or perform more leg press exercises.

  • Heartburn:-

According to research, eating a special fenugreek product before the day’s two largest meals lowers heartburn symptoms.

  • High cholesterol:

Hypercholesterolemia Evidence regarding the effects of on cholesterol levels is contradictory. Initial studies indicate that consuming fenugreek seed lowers total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL or “bad”) cholesterol. However, seed has conflicting effects on high-density lipoprotein (HDL or “good”) cholesterol and triglycerides.

  • Breast milk production:

Lactation results in milk production. There are indications that daily consumption of powdered  seed boosts milk production in nursing mothers. However, supporting evidence is lacking. Some preliminary research indicates that consuming fenugreek tea alone or in combination with other substances enhances milk volume. Other research, however, reveals that consuming  capsules three times daily for 21 days beginning five days after delivery had no effect on breast milk production.

  • Male infertility:

Fertility problems in men Initial research indicates that ingesting seed oil drops orally three times per day for four months increases sperm count in men with a low sperm concentration. The other portions of the fenugreek seed, however, do not appear to have similar effect.

  • Weight loss:

Weight reduction. Early research indicates that a seed extract administered orally at a dose of 392 mg three times day for 2 to 6 weeks can reduce fat intake in overweight males. However, it does not appear that a lesser dose has the same impact. Both doses have no effect on weight, appetite, or satiety. The addition of 4 to 8 grams of fenugreek fiber to breakfast seemed to boost feelings of fullness and decrease appetite at midday. However, it is unclear whether this increases weight loss.

  • Parkinson’s disease:

Parkinson’s illness Parkinson’s disease symptoms are not improved by consuming fenugreek seed extract twice daily for six months, according to research.

  • Ovarian cysts (polycystic ovary syndrome)

Cysts of the ovary (polycystic ovary syndrome). There are contradictory findings about fenugreek’s effect on ovarian cysts. According to research, ingesting so seed extract, daily for eight weeks does not alleviate the symptoms of ovarian cysts in women. Other preliminary study, however, suggests that taking 1000 mg of a specific fenugreek seed extract  daily may help to reduce the size of ovarian cysts and manage the length of the menstrual cycle and time between periods.


Special Precautions & Warnings for Fenugreek

  • Fenugreek is LIKELY SAFE for usage during pregnancy in doses greater than those found in food. It may induce premature contractions. Taking right before delivery may also result in an odd body odor in the infant, which could be mistaken for “maple syrup urine illness.” It appears to have no long-term consequences.
  • Breastfeeding: POSSIBLY SAFE when taken orally to temporarily enhance breast-milk flow. Some studies indicates that giving infants 1725 mg of three times day for 21 days has no adverse effects.
  • Children: POSSIBLY SAFE for oral administration. Some reports have linked  tea to children’s loss of consciousness. Children who consume fenugreek tea may also develop a strange body odor resembling maple syrup.
  • People sensitive to other members of the Fabaceae family, such as soybeans, peanuts, and green peas, may also be allergic to fenugreek.
  • can alter blood sugar levels in diabetic individuals. If you have diabetes and use is watch for indicators of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and monitor your blood sugar closely.


Side Effect  Fenugreek

Fenugreek is LIKELY SAFE for human consumption in proportions often seen in meals. It is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken orally in medicinal doses (quantities greater than those typically found in food) for up to six months. Among the adverse effects are diarrhea, stomach distress, bloating, gas, dizziness, headache, and a urine odor reminiscent of maple syrup. In hypersensitive individuals, can induce nasal congestion, coughing, wheezing, facial puffiness, and severe allergic responses.this might reduce blood sugar.