Guide to Endometriosis Treatment in Ayurveda

A Brief Guide to Endometriosis Treatment in Ayurveda

Last Updated: October 4, 2022By

Endometriosis, according to Ayurveda, is one of the most common chronic diseases. Endometriosis is thought to be caused by deficiencies in Ayurveda. Sometimes, toxins (ama) can disrupt the delicate equilibrium between tissues.

Ayurveda offers a variety of medications to treat endometriosis. The Apanavatavikara Subtype of Vata dosha controls the expulsion of urine, faces, and flatus during childbirth and menstruation via the lower esophageal.

Endometriosis Treatment and Ayurveda

Ayurveda says that endometriosis is caused by undernutrition, poor digestion, and Vitiated Doshas. This health problem can be treated with Ayurvedic remedies that remove toxins from the body and restore hormonal balance.

Ayurveda recommends that you eat a healthy, balanced diet and take digestive medicine to treat endometriosis. Shodhana, Ayurveda’s treatment for endometritis, uses herbs to eliminate toxins. This Ayurvedic treatment for endometritis is able to eliminate toxins and restore Dosha equilibrium.

Panchakarma Treatment

The best treatment for endometrial tissue aggregates is Ayurvedic medicine through Panchakarma administration. This also helps to normalize the digestive system. Ayurveda suggests that endometriosis can be treated by Panchakarma, which normalizes Apana Vayu and cleanses the pitta Dosha. It also harmonizes with the Kapha Dosha.

Regular Ayurvedic massages and other forms of Ayurvedic endometriosis therapies help stimulate the digestive system. This in turn helps to balance the body’s ama levels. It can also help with stress reduction and mental relaxation.

Purgation: This decoction is used to remove toxins from the body.

Basti Karma: Medicated Enema Therapy is the best treatment for Vata-related illnesses. Uttara Vasti stimulates endometrial receptors.

Abhyanga Blood flow is increased, smooth regulation is achieved, and improved lymph circulation in vessels.

Swedana This is a steam bath that has medicinal properties.

Udvartana This causes the lymphatic system to discharge pollutants.

Pizhichil The heated oil from the herbs is poured over the body slowly and steadily during this process. Because it eliminates toxins from your body, it works. You must follow a specific protocol when performing this massage.

Ayurvedic treatment for endometrial issues seems to work. Ayurvedic specialists should be consulted, especially Ayurvedic practitioners for endometriosis treatment.

Endometriosis Treatment using Ayurvedic Medicines

Ayurvedic medicine plays a crucial role in both the management and treatment of endometriosis. Supplements and polyherbal formulas can contain various plants or other compounds. This list includes some of the most common ones recommended by the best Ayurveda Treatment in Jaipur


The bark and leaves of Ashoka trees are said to strengthen the endometrium, and uterine muscles, and are therefore often used in the treatment of menstruation and other reproductive diseases like endometriosis.

Ashoka bark can reduce the severity of symptoms and slow down the progression of endometriosis. It reduces the discomfort and symptoms that are connected to endometriosis.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera can help to tone your reproductive system. It acts as an emmenagogue and helps to establish normal menstrual flows. Aloe vera is also helpful in detoxing. Its use can reduce inflammation and discomfort.

Aloe vera can be used in Ayurveda to treat endometriosis. It may ease discomfort, promote ovulation and create regular menstruation.


The direct translation of Ashwagandha (a herbal supplement) is what gives the stallion his strength. Ayurveda has praised adaptogen Ashwagandha as stamina, nutrition, and regeneration elixir.

It is safe and natural to lower cortisol levels while maintaining healthy levels of thyroid hormones. This aphrodisiac strengthens and supports the uterus which in turn increases fertility and female vitality.


Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties. It may regulate Vata Doshas and Kapha Doshas. Consuming turmeric regularly can help prevent the development of endometrial tissues. If you experience severe bleeding, it is important to take care.


Shatavari boosts a woman’s fertility by nourishing her reproductive tissue. This supplement increases follicle development and uterine ovulation. Regular Shatavari use can prevent miscarriages.

Healthy pH levels in the vagina increase sperm’s ability to find a suitable environment and increase the chance of having a baby. It may be beneficial for both infertility and subfertility.


Lodhra, a great option for endometriosis treatment Ayurveda is also available. Flavanol glycosides are found in this food and help to reduce inflammation and restore hormonal balance. This treatment improves fertility and ovulation.


Ayurvedic Rasayana Triphala (herbal elixir) is a powerful remedy that promotes longevity and rejuvenation. It helps to eliminate poisons and waste from the body. Triphala’s antioxidants help to purify, revitalize, reduce inflammation and promote healthy cell growth.


Ayurveda suggests that different herbs can help regulate hormones. These plants contain many hormone-related compounds for females. Herbs can be used to boost the immune system. This in turn aids in maintaining healthy hormone levels. Endometriosis is a condition that Ayurveda can treat with herbal therapies.