3 Tips You Should Always Remember While Washing Your Basketball Uniforms

Sports has always remained an important field in the world, precisely due to its vast contributions in bringing the athletes from different countries at one platform. It has always played a crucial part in connecting the people from different regions and backgrounds with each other, which is why its domain has always been looked upon as a platform for peace. In the last three to four decades, its commercial value has emerged quite rapidly in the world, specifically due to the involvement of different multinational giants in the deals of sponsorship and advertisements.

All the top sports leagues in the world like NBA, Bundesliga, NFL and more others are sponsored by some of the top corporate names in the industry like Heineken, Adidas, PepsiCo and more others. This basically shows the interest of the commercial sector in the field of sports. It has done wonders for them in terms of building their brand reputation, and get more audience under their acquisition umbrella from all over the globe.

Meanwhile, when comparing different sports fields with each other, basketball has always come on top as one of the most loved game in the world. It has got a vast audience in American, European and African region, which is indeed the main reason why it has grown up quite quickly in those continents.

Talking about US especially, the country has got a big reputation in pro basketball, as it has won number of international tournaments in the last few years. It is probably the most followed sports in all over America, having a large viewership coming from the states like Texas, Michigan, California and more others. From youngsters to adults, the passion of basketball can be found in everyone, as it is one their most favorite game.

The great historical roots of basketball in the country is also a major factor behind this huge craze. Dating back to early 1920s, America was the first place where basketball started and grew rapidly to other parts of the world. Since then, it has remained an important part of the American circuit, as well as still rated among the top 3 sports fields in the country.

In order to be a basketball professional, you need to keep few aspects in mind. Besides having the game skills, you need to take care of your custom basketball team uniforms as well because they are also one of the most important thing during the game. It does affects your game performance and makes you feel stressed if it’s not well fabricated or properly washed. It is a known fact that everyone likes to wear clean basketball uniforms, as it gives your personality a tidy look during the game. Of course, when you are in the field, your uniform is bound to get dirty. But, after the game, it is your responsibility to make it neat and clean by using appropriate techniques.

In this article, we will discuss those techniques that will help you to wash your basketball uniforms and make them clean quickly. Let’s have a look at them below.

Best Tips to Wash & Clean Basketball Uniforms

Here is what you should need to remember while washing basketball uniforms at home.

Never Use Chlorine Bleach

First of all, never ever use chlorine bleach on any of your uniforms, be it basketball or any other in the shelf. It is made up of very hard chemical and it damages the fabric and color of your uniforms permanently. Many people who are not aware of its dangerous chemical nature, often uses it on their uniforms and damages it permanently for the life. It is strictly not recommended in any case, for all types of general clothes.

Wash Uniforms Separately

Next up, always remember to wash your uniforms separately, as it will help you to focus on each apparel precisely. It will give you more control on their specified stains at that time, and will give you better results after the washing. Basketball jerseys should always be washed separately, as they get more dirty and requires detailed attention while washing manually or from the machine.

Don’t Use Heat

Lastly, do not use heat directly on your uniforms, as it will damage its fabric right from the cores. Many people use automatic dryer to perform the after-wash job, which is indeed strictly not recommended. It will bring permanent shrinking and stains on the uniform and will waste its usage for the lifetime.


That concludes our complete article in which we have defined the three basic tips about how you should wash your basketball uniforms. If you are still confused with any of the above defined points, please feel free to write down your queries below in the comments section.