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What lessons America can learn from Finland education system? 

Education is a top priority in Finland with the crown of best primary school education system. With more than 55% of its funding coming from the federal government, it is well funded and geared toward working families. All students, who begin formal schooling at age 7, have access to free meals, healthcare, and after-school childcare. After a state-sponsored, mandatory kindergarten that includes outdoor play and exploration, formal education begins.

Up until ninth grade, or age 16, attendance is required, and there are two high school options: general academic and vocational. Almost 40% of students select the vocational track. This is focused on the skilled workers the nation anticipates being in need of in the upcoming ten years, such as computer programmers and engineers.

A little smaller than in the US, classes typically have 20 students. And there are hardly any standardized tests or forms of school evaluation. But first, let’s look at how American education is structured.

The US Educational System

International students have a wide range of options in the American educational system . However, before starting their search for their child’s ideal school, a person must be familiar with American education. This will make it easier to plan the child’s educational needs. Parents can consult the blog for additional information.

The US Department of Education uses the K-12 system, which stands for “Kindergarten to 12th” and is further divided into elementary (Grades K–5), middle school (Grades 6-8), and high school or secondary education (Grades 9-12).

Twelve years must be spent in primary and secondary education for each student. Then, around age six, kids start elementary or primary school. This usually lasts until the fifth grade.

Students may choose to enroll in a college or university after finishing high school. Higher education has been used to describe this phase. Students are evaluated throughout the school year, and their Grade Point Average, or GPA, determines what they should do next.

The U.S. Department of Education is in charge of maintaining the educational institutions. They keep this in mind as they develop their curriculum. However, it also has additional distinctive qualities, which are described below:


Universities in the United States emphasize research in their curricula. Many students want to continue their research as a result.

Limited Federal Involvement

The federal government hardly ever meddles in American education policy. These organizations have the power to make important decisions on their own.

Campus Life for Students

The inclusiveness and diversity of the USA are well known. The students have the option of participating in extracurricular pursuits.

Workplace possibilities

There are many job opportunities for students in the USA. MNCs like Google, Citigroup, FedEx, Amazon, Apple, Walmart, Microsoft, Ford, etc. call it home.

a range of programs

For its students, a wide range of programs are offered. This explains why the United States has the most international students of any country.

Are there are drawbacks in the US education system?

This is perhaps the most frustrating of all the things that teachers cannot change. There simply isn’t enough time in the classroom for teachers to instruct every student and impart the necessary knowledge. Unavoidably, there will be some interaction after school. Of course, socioeconomically disadvantaged students frequently experience academic difficulties, especially if their parents have lower levels of education. However, students from middle-class and upper-class families are also accountable.

Teachers must change if students are changing, it only makes sense. More specifically, it’s time to change teacher education to better suit the needs of K–12 classrooms today. Around the world, policy and practice changes that address the cultural shifts in the classroom are being driven by teachers in many cases. Teachers who are better equipped to address the needs of particular student populations, are aware of the critical role that distance learning plays in education, and aren’t afraid to speak out in favor of change in the classroom are needed in public education in America. Effective reform to meet global demand is impossible without these teachers.

According to news reports, the U.S. economy is still improving, but K–12 public school spending is still suffering from the effects of the recession. 34 states are contributing less money per student than they did before the recession, according to a report released this month by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. These dreadful figures indicate that, despite an improving economy, school budgets will continue to be tightened since states are responsible for 44% of all education funding in the U.S. How can we expect things like the achievement gap to close or high school graduation rates to rise if we can’t find the money for our public schools? When the economy hit rock bottom, it was understandable that budgets would need to be drastically reduced. But now that things are more secure, it’s time to return to funding what really matters: the education of our K–12 students.

Here are 10 facts about Finnish education that U.S. educators can learn from.

1. Shorter lectures

Less time is spent in class than it is in American schools. For teachers to guide students in more in-depth subject exploration, they must be highly prepared.

For instance, Finland will start gradually removing history, math, and other traditional school subjects from the curriculum. They will be replaced by an interdisciplinary teaching style. For instance, a lesson on World War II will incorporate math, geography, and history.

2. Finland values its educators

The profession of teaching is regarded as being highly coveted, well-paid, and highly respected in Finland. Only 10% of applicants are accepted into programs to teach in colleges. No teacher even enters a classroom without having earned a master’s degree due to the rigorous preparation required.

3. minimal seat time

With only 20 hours a week, Finland has one of the lowest student seat times worldwide. According to a report from the Center for Public Education, Japanese and German students spend close to 24 hours sitting while U.S. and Chinese students spend an average of around 30 hours doing so.

4. There is more prep time for teachers

Finland requires 15-minute breaks between each class so that teachers have plenty of time to prepare lessons.

5. Give schools more power

Regarding what is taught and how it is taught, individual schools are given autonomy and trust. This gives teachers more power.

6. Reduced homework

Compared to their international counterparts, Finnish teachers give their students less homework. They think that schools, where qualified staff members can offer assistance, are the best places for students to learn. There is also a focus on quality rather than quantity of assignments.

7. Preserving simplicity

Finland has well-designed, functional educational institutions that do not rely overly on technology. There are no interactive whiteboards in most classrooms; instead, there are standard chairs, tables, and chalkboards.

Despite the fact that they teach computer education, Finnish teachers hardly ever use laptops or Chromebooks outside of lab settings.

8. Coordinating parental schedules

The K–12 education system in Finland is not just an 8–2:30 experience. It includes before- and after-school activities planned around parents’ work schedules.

9. Highlight soft skills

In Finland, the educational process is anchored by character-building life skills like critical thinking and group problem-solving. Students learn how to plan, carry out tasks, and then evaluate their work by being given real-world problems with clear personal connections, like designing and building a school greenhouse.

10. Localized instruction

Finnish students participate in practical neighborhood projects, like planting trees to protect a salmon habitat nearby. Students’ interest and learning are piqued by this.