What Is the Right Permanent Retainer Length?

Last Updated: January 26, 2022By Tags:


Do you have a permanent retainer in your mouth? Are you thinking about getting one? If so, there are many different factors to consider that will help determine the right length of the retainer that is right for you. Whether you want to talk to your dentist or orthodontist before getting this kind of retainer or if you already have one and just want to know what size is best, this article will help you figure out what permanent retainer length is right for you.

How Long Does A Permanent Retainer Last?

This will depend on your individual case. We have many patients that have had their retainers in place for over 10 years, while others change theirs every few years. This can depend on several factors, such as chewing habits, oral hygiene and. How much wear and tear is caused by a patient’s bite or bite force. Ultimately, only an exam by your dentist or orthodontist can determine what is best for you.

The goal is to remove excess wire from a permanent retainer so that it fits well and feels comfortable to wear. If excess wire remains inside of your mouth, it could shift out of place during everyday activities like talking, laughing or eating. It’s always important to follow up with regular dental exams so that your permanent retainer can be checked regularly for tightness, broken wires and fit adjustment if needed. If a loose retainer begins bothering you, talk to us about making adjustments today!

Permanent Vs. Removable

When it comes to orthodontic retainers, many people ask whether they should choose a permanent or removable retainer. The answer depends on what your goals are. If you have completed orthodontic treatment and have straight teeth, you may be trying to keep them that way. A removable retainer may suffice for your needs—as long as you take care of it (you’ll want to sterilize.It and replace it when necessary). However, if you’re still in active treatment or need guidance after your braces come off, a permanent retainer may be best for you.

Factors That Affect The Life Of Your Porcelain Veneers

How long do your veneers last? That’s a question we get asked a lot. A big part of answering that question comes down to care. And there are some factors you can control and some you can’t. Read on to learn more about what impacts the life of your porcelain veneers! Factors That Affect The Life Of Your Porcelain Veneers: How long do your veneers last? That’s a question we get asked a lot. A big part of answering that question comes down to care. And there are some factors you can control and some you can’t. Read on to learn more about what impacts the life of your porcelain veneers!

Successfully Handling Long-Term Orthodontic Care

Because some orthodontic problems take longer to solve than others. You may need to have your braces on for a long time. Factors like how old you are and. How well your teeth are aligned can affect just how long your treatment will last. If you’re facing multiple procedures or want to prevent issues in the future, it is possible to get specialized retainers even after your braces come off. Here are a few things to know about getting permanent retainers after braces.