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What are the causes of erectile dysfunction and Cenforce 100 mg to treat ED

Last Updated: May 12, 2022By Tags: , ,

Natural Remedies

Erectile dysfunction could have an effect on the standard of a relationship or wedding. However, there ar several safe and effective natural treatments offered. ED herbs and different natural remedies have long been employed in Chinese and different cultures. the reality is that holistic practitioners like, Cenforce 100 mg are with success treating erection problems in men . Natural remedies give glorious results for a large vary of issues associated with ED, which can be caused by either physical or psychological causes.

  • You have probably tried to plan a romantic evening with your spouse but failed. Or, simply put, you didn’t get an erection.
  • This is the case for 52 percent of men aged 40-70. As we age, this percentage increases.
  • Instead of panicking and spending your hard-earned money on medications or other treatments that increase sexual desire or urges, why not first determine the cause of your erectile dysfunction.
  • Scientists say there are many things that can lead to erectile dysfunction. There are many factors that can cause erectile dysfunction, and most of them have preventive or cure options.

Erectile dysfunctions can be categorize into two types

  1. psychological and
  2. physical.


Psychological factors account for 10% of male erectile problems. Erectile dysfunction is cause by psychological factors. Anxiety and nerves can cause a decrease in blood flow to the penis which in turn causes penis to become stiffer and more rigid.

These psychological problems can often be interrelate and increase the likelihood of erectile dysfunction. These problems can have negative consequences for your body. We are often unable to distinguish between psychological and physical causes of erectile dysfunction. They are often linked together. Cenforce 150 mg Erectile dysfunction is difficult to treat. This is why it is important to talk with your partner about the problem and get expert advice before you do anything.

There are certain situations where it is easier to identify the source of erectile dysfunction. Answer these questions. Is it possible to have an erection with only one partner, but not with the other. Is it more difficult to have an erection while you masturbating or while having intercourse. If both of these questions are answer ‘yes’ then it is likely that your erectile problems are mental.

What can you do to fix this. Talk to your partner. It is common for a couple to have relationship problems that can affect their lovemaking. Are you having problems in your relationship. Do you feel pressured to make love to her. First, resolve any issues in your relationship. Then you can see the impact on your sex life.

Erectile dysfunction can also be cause by psychological factors like stress, anxiety, tension, depression and anxiety. These are all factors that can be address by an expert. You can also talk with your partner to get the support you need.


Other causes of erectile dysfunction include the physical. These are responsible for 90% of erectile dysfunctions. These factors include diabetes, hypertension and high blood cholesterol. Men with the above diseases may experience severe erectile dysfunction if they take medications. But you need to keep your priorities straight. Do you prefer to live a happy sex lifestyle or suffer from a heart attack. Consult your doctor before you take any medication for erectile dysfunction.

Also, you should consider changing your lifestyle. You don’t have to buy every erectile drug you can find. Instead, spend some time planning healthy meals, exercising, and quitting smoking. It’s up to you.