Online medical certificate

Online Medical Certificate: How To Obtain It?


  • Online Medical Certificate:
  • What is a medical certificate?
  • When to request a medical certificate?
  • When to request a medical certificate?
  • Details of the information included in online medical certificate:
  • Who can provide an online medical certificate?
  • Obtaining a certificate online, is it possible?
  • Conclusion:

Online Medical Certificate:

The request for an online medical certificate is one of the most common reasons for consultation. It may be mandatory in certain situations to justify his state of health. Conversely, you should know that you cannot be asked to do so in certain cases. What is it used for ? In what case can we need it? How to get it? Here is a complete guide, to know everything about the online medical certificate.

Then again, the medical certificate is more challenging to accept if it is given by a specialist who doesn’t have the idea about the patient (with no guarantees, on a basic level, the case with online testaments) or who the patient has not counseled for a long period.

It is utilized to legitimize the condition of an individual, and can be utilized both to demonstrate a decent broad condition of wellbeing or to uncover a clinical issue. Its legitimacy is shown by the stamp that the specialist attaches to it, and like any authority report, its adulteration is disallowed and deserving of regulation.

What is a medical certificate?

The medical certificate is used to justify the state of health of a patient . It is written by the doctor and delivered to the patient who may need it for work, school or sport. This document serves as proof of the good state of health of the person, or on the contrary of a medical problem.

The doctor writes the certificate following a medical examination , most of the time in the office, but sometimes a video medical consultation  may be sufficient.

When to request a medical certificate?

You may be asked for a medical certificate to confirm your state of health, in particular if you have to be absent, stop working, take leave, apply for a retirement home, etc. The medical certificate can certify the following things:

  • death ;
  • contagious disease ;
  • disability ;
  • lesions and trauma (e.g. acute pain , low back pain);
  • the health of a child (eighth day, ninth and twenty-fourth month);
  • the absence of contraindications to the practice of a physical or sporting activity.

However, you cannot be asked for a medical certificate for:

  • prove an absence of allergy ;
  • take part in a school activity (PE lessons, school outings);
  • reintegrate your child into a crèche;
  • any other non-medical reason not provided for in the law.

Details of the information included in online medical certificate:

The medical certificate meets certain standards to prove its validity. According to the National Council of the Order of Physicians, it must contain:

  • identification of the doctor (name, address, signature);
  • the name of the patient ;
  • the date and time of the medical examination;
  • a statement indicating the hand-delivery, except for minors, protected adults, deceased persons, etc.
  • the medical findings with, if necessary, the details of the documents provided by the patient which made it possible to draw up the certificate (radiography, blood tests, etc.);
  • medical facts and patient statements , if any.

Who can provide an online medical certificate?

To obtain an online medical certificate, you must make an appointment with your attending physician . He will carry out a physical examination including an auscultation, and will ask you to provide him with additional documents concerning your state of health. You may also be required to talk about your family history in order to write the certificate.

If your treating doctor is not available , you can ask another doctor to draw up the certificate. If this is justified, the Health Insurance can then proceed with the usual reimbursement of your consultation.

Obtaining a certificate online, is it possible?

If you need to apply for a medical certificate for sport, the medical examination is mandatory, so it cannot be done online. Your doctor can only do this face-to-face. For certain types of medical certificate, it is possible to use teleconsultation provided you go through your attending physician. If he is unavailable, then you can go through another practitioner.

Depending on the situation, it is not always possible to obtain a certificate online.

  • The detailed medical certificate attests to the patient’s loss of faculty for a request for guardianship or curatorship. The doctor writes it following a medical examination , and the study of the patient’s medical file.
  • If consulting for a Covid-19 infection , the patient must use teleconsultation to obtain a medical certificate. Consulting with a doctor on video reduces the risk of contamination.
  • Vulnerable or at-risk people, susceptible to contracting a serious form of the coronavirus , can obtain a medical certificate of isolation to stay outside their workplace. They can get it by teleconsultation. 
  • For certain chronic pathologies already noted by your doctor, a disability, for example, your doctor can issue you a medical certificate online and avoid unnecessary travel.

Good to know: The price of a video consultation with a doctor at Telehealthdr is the same as that applied in the office for the patient. A doctor in teleconsultation may, if he deems it necessary, issue a medical prescription or the renewal of a prescription.


In conclusion, obtaining an online medical certificate is a convenient and efficient way for individuals to receive the medical clearance they need for travel or other purposes. By using electronic communication technologies such as phone, video, or online messaging, individuals can receive healthcare services from the comfort of their own home or any location with internet access. 

A healthcare provider will assess the individual’s medical history, current health status, and potential risk of exposure to COVID-19. In addition, online medical certificates can reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 or other infectious diseases by eliminating the need for in-person contact with healthcare providers. Overall, obtaining an online medical certificate is a convenient and efficient way for individuals to receive the medical clearance they need.