
How to Keep Your Baby’s Circumcision Healing

Last Updated: February 20, 2023By Tags:


Circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes the foreskin from a boy’s penis. It usually takes place in the hospital under anesthesia.

After surgery, the wound may be sensitive and continue to bleed for a few days. It will then take several weeks for this wound to heal completely.


After your baby’s circumcision, it is essential to keep the area clean and sterile. Doing so will aid in healing and help avoid infections that could have adverse effects on his health in later life.

In the initial days of healing, your son’s penis may appear red and have a crusty white or yellow coating that helps the area heal. This coating may not be easy to wipe away, so take extra care in maintaining good hygiene.

It is normal for your son to experience some blood-tinged drainage from the circumcision site. This is completely normal and will go away as the wound heals.

If you notice your son’s urine is pink or salmon colored (indicating it contains uric acid crystals), contact your pediatrician right away. This could be a sign of dehydration; the color of the urine should change as more fluids are consumed.


As part of circumcision healing, apply ointment to the area around your baby’s penis. This will keep the surgical cut smooth and heal any wounds caused by the procedure.

Ointment is a medicated product used for treating various conditions, such as bites, burns and wounds. It consists of herbs blended in various oil bases like almond oil, beeswax, lanolin or petroleum jelly.

Apply the ointment twice daily for healing at the surgery site. This process should continue for 5-7 days after your child’s operation.

Your son’s penis area that was circumcised will likely be red and have some yellow drainage. If the discharge has a foul smell, turns green or persists for any length of time, contact your pediatric care provider immediately.


In addition to keeping the area dry, it’s also essential to soak the wound. Doing so helps reduce swelling, bruising and itching while providing a soothing treatment that promotes healing.

You may find it beneficial to give your child a 30 minute bath each day, using gentle techniques like sponge baths with warm water.

If your doctor used the Plastibell device to circumcise your baby, there will be a plastic ring around the head of the penis. This ring should fall off naturally within 10 to 12 days.

The white or yellow gauze strip that wraps around your baby’s penis should have petroleum jelly on it. This film should come off when they urinate.

Your child’s penis may appear red and swollen at times. This is perfectly normal.

If the area appears dry or sticky, apply Vaseline ointment as often as your doctor recommends. This will help keep the area clean and prevent your baby’s penis from sticking to his diaper while it heals.

Pain Medicine

Circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes the foreskin from the head of the penis. It’s performed for religious, medical and cultural reasons.

circumcision centre is usually performed shortly after birth; however, if a child was born prematurely or has certain medical conditions, circumcision can be done later in their life.

Before deciding to have circumcision on your baby, be sure to inform them of both the risks and benefits. Additionally, inform your doctor of any bleeding disorders or family history of them.

During the procedure, your health care provider will use a scalpel to separate the foreskin from the head of your baby’s penis. They then clamp it shut with either plastic or metal rings-like devices to hold the tissue together and prevent it from falling off during healing. After 5 to 7 days, these rings will come off, leaving behind only an entirely healed PlasticRing Circumcision wound.


Circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes the foreskin from a boy’s penis. It usually takes place in the hospital under anesthesia.

After surgery, the wound may be sensitive and continue to bleed for a few days. It will then take several weeks for this wound to heal completely.


After your baby’s circumcision, it is essential to keep the area clean and sterile. Doing so will aid in healing and help avoid infections that could have adverse effects on his health in later life.

In the initial days of healing, your son’s penis may appear red and have a crusty white or yellow coating that helps the area heal. This coating may not be easy to wipe away, so take extra care in maintaining good hygiene.

It is normal for your son to experience some blood-tinged drainage from the circumcision site. This is completely normal and will go away as the wound heals.

If you notice your son’s urine is pink or salmon colored (indicating it contains uric acid crystals), contact your pediatrician right away. This could be a sign of dehydration; the color of the urine should change as more fluids are consumed.


As part of circumcision healing, apply ointment to the area around your baby’s penis. This will keep the surgical cut smooth and heal any wounds caused by the procedure.

Ointment is a medicated product used for treating various conditions, such as bites, burns and wounds. It consists of herbs blended in various oil bases like almond oil, beeswax, lanolin or petroleum jelly.

Apply the ointment twice daily for healing at the surgery site. This process should continue for 5-7 days after your child’s operation.

Your son’s penis area that was circumcised will likely be red and have some yellow drainage. If the discharge has a foul smell, turns green or persists for any length of time, contact your pediatric care provider immediately.


In addition to keeping the area dry, it’s also essential to soak the wound. Doing so helps reduce swelling, bruising and itching while providing a soothing treatment that promotes healing.

You may find it beneficial to give your child a 30 minute bath each day, using gentle techniques like sponge baths with warm water.

If your doctor used the Plastibell device to circumcise your baby, there will be a plastic ring around the head of the penis. This ring should fall off naturally within 10 to 12 days.

The white or yellow gauze strip that wraps around your baby’s penis should have petroleum jelly on it. This film should come off when they urinate.

Your child’s penis may appear red and swollen at times. This is perfectly normal.

If the area appears dry or sticky, apply Vaseline ointment as often as your doctor recommends. This will help keep the area clean and prevent your baby’s penis from sticking to his diaper while it heals.

Pain Medicine

Circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes the foreskin from the head of the penis. It’s performed for religious, medical and cultural reasons.

Circumcision is usually performed shortly after birth; however, if a child was born prematurely or has certain medical conditions, circumcision can be done later in their life.

Before deciding to have circumcision on your baby, be sure to inform them of both the risks and benefits. Additionally, inform your doctor of any bleeding disorders or family history of them.

During the procedure, your health care provider will use a scalpel to separate the foreskin from the head of your baby’s penis. They then clamp it shut with either plastic or metal rings-like devices to hold the tissue together and prevent it from falling off during healing. After 5 to 7 days, these rings will come off, leaving behind only an entirely healed circumcision wound.