WordPress Website

How To Build A WordPress Website? 10 Steps To Build Your Site

Last Updated: November 3, 2022By Tags: ,

If you want to build a WordPress Website, you have a lot of options. You can use an existing website as a base and customize it or start from scratch with a blank slate. There are many things that influence the design and functionality of your website. 

The type of content that will be on your site, who is visiting it (i.e., what audience). How much time do they have available? Their technical skills level, and more.

1. Set Up a Domain Name and Hosting

When you’re ready to start building your site, it’s time to set up a domain name and hosting.

Choose a Domain Name

The first step is choosing a domain name for your website. Your domain name will be the address where people can go when they visit your site (you can see it in their browser). 

It’s also what Google uses as part of its search engine results when someone searches for something related to yours or similar sites. 

You should choose something short and easy-to-remember so that people remember it easily when entering search queries online.

Hosting: What Is It? How Do I Get It?

Once you’ve chosen a good domain name, next comes finding somewhere online where other people use servers as well (hosting). This is where things get complicated because there are many different types of hosts out there. 

All with varying levels of quality and price range available depending on how much space each plan gives away per month/year etcetera…so read carefully before making any important decisions here!

2. Install WordPress on Your Server

Install WordPress on Your Server

In order to create a website, you need to install WordPress on your server. If you have your own hosting company, it can be installed directly on the server by simply following the steps outlined here. However, most people prefer using hosting companies because they are easier and cheaper than setting up their own servers (though this is only true if you’re already familiar with computers). 

Hosting companies offer different packages based on how many websites they’re going to host for each customer so make sure that’s what fits your needs before signing up for one.

3. Choose a Theme for Your Website

Choose a Theme for Your Website

You have to choose a theme that best suits your needs and the way you want your website to look. Choose themes that are responsive, mobile-friendly, and easy to use. The theme should also be user-friendly so that everyone can easily navigate through it without any trouble or confusion.

4. Install Plugins to Extend Functionality

Install Plugins to Extend Functionality

After you’ve created your site, it’s time to add some functionality. You can do this by installing plugins on the WordPress dashboard. Plugins are like apps or widgets in other platforms, but they’re installed directly into WordPress and provide additional features on top of what the core software offers.

There are many benefits of using plugins: they allow you to customize your site’s layout, create custom menus and widgets that fit your brand identity (and even change colors), streamline workflow processes such as adding posts/pages dynamically based on user input or input from another website link. 

All without having to code anything yourself! You’ll also find that many popular websites have developed their own collections of useful plug-ins which will help them keep up with changing technology trends while still maintaining an elegant look and feel for their users’ eyes.”

5. Choose a Logo Design for Your Website

Now that you have a website, it’s time to choose a logo. Your logo should reflect the brand of your website and represent what you want people to think about when they see it.

  • Don’t use clip art or stock photos: Unless there is no other option, avoid using clip art or stock logos as they can look cheap and unprofessional.
  • Don’t use people’s faces: It may seem obvious but if someone else’s face is used in an image for your business or site then it will likely be an issue for many potential customers who are not comfortable with seeing themselves represented by another person (or animal).
  • Don’t use photos of pets etc: Pets are adorable but they don’t always make good choices for logos because pets do not have much individuality compared with humans which means that it would be hard to tell exactly what type of business this logo represents based on just looking at its design alone without reading any text below it first.

6. Upload a Favicon for Your Web Design

A favicon is a small image that appears in your website’s URL bar and on your home page. It’s meant to remind users of what they’re looking at, so it should be simple, recognizable, and easy to spot.

To create a favicon:

  • Open up your favorite drawing application (I use Adobe Illustrator) and create a square shape that’s 16 pixels high by 16 pixels wide. You can adjust the size later if you like; just make sure it looks good.
  • Copy this new file into the site root directory (where all of WordPress puts its files) using FTP or SSH. We don’t use any other method because we’ll need access later when we install our theme into this folder structure too.

7. Build the Pages You Need for Your Web Design

You have a WordPress site that’s ready to go, but you need to figure out what pages it will have.

  • Create a Contact Page
  • Create a Blog Page
  • Add Other Pages, such as Gallery or Portfolio

8. Add a Navigation Menu to Your Website

You can use a navigation menu to help users navigate your website. Navigation menus are important for usability and SEO. 

They make it easy for people to find specific pages on your site, and they make it easier for search engines to understand what content is important on your site so that they can rank it higher in search results.

To add a navigation menu:

  • Log into WordPress Admin Panel. If you’re new to WordPress, read How To Build A WordPress Website: 9 Steps To Build Your Site first!
  • Go into Appearance > Menus at the top right corner of your screen (or click Menu Item under Appearance in Bluehost’s Control Panel).

9. Add Content to Your Pages, Posts, and Blog Page

Now that you have a basic website, it’s time to add some content.

You can add pages, posts, and blog posts by going to your WordPress dashboard. If you don’t know how to do this on your own computer or mobile device, there are many tutorials available online that will walk you through the process step-by-step. 

Once you’ve added your new page or post (or both), go ahead and add images and videos as well as links from other websites.

You can also include contact information here so users who wish to get in touch with you can do so using this page instead of sending an email directly through their inboxes which could be confusing for them during busy times! 

Finally don’t forget about social media buttons such as Facebook likes/shares/tweets etc., these are essential elements when promoting an article but also serve other purposes such as letting people know when they’ve been featured somewhere else online.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully built your WordPress website. You can now add more pages, posts, and content to it in the same way that you made the first one.

Now that you have a fully operational site, it’s time to customize it further by editing themes and plugins. This will allow you to change the look of your website without having to start from scratch every time you want something different (like maybe if there’s an updated version of WordPress).

Hire a Web Design Company in Dubai

If you’re not confident in your ability to build a website, it’s time to consider hiring a web design company in Dubai. They can take care of everything for you and make sure that the site is up-to-date with all of the latest trends and technologies. This will ensure that your business is always seen as cutting-edge and trendy.

Web Design Company Dubai. If you’re looking for a web design company in Dubai, there are plenty of options out there. It all depends on what you need and what kind of budget you have. From small companies to large corporations, there are many different services available.


The steps for building a WordPress website are rather straightforward, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you choose a domain name with as little extra baggage as possible. Next, install WordPress on your server and then choose a theme that will suit your needs. You can customize the look of your site by installing plugins like widgets or contact forms into the header section of your site where it makes sense within the design scheme of your design.