How Many Names Can You Match To The Right Teeth?

Human teeth have many names, and you probably know some of them even if you don’t realize it! Some are technical and unfamiliar, like mandibular bicuspids and maxillary premolars, while others are much more common, like incisors and molars. You may have even heard that dentists refer to the teeth by number instead of name! While it can be easy to mix up all the different types of teeth, learning their proper names will help you understand which ones are being treated when you go to the dentist. Test your knowledge with this list of famous human teeth names!


The four front teeth are incisors. The purpose of these teeth is to bite and tear food into small pieces so it can be swallowed easily. They have flat, broad tops and are chiseled on both sides, forming pointed ends. When a person smiles, only their upper incisors should be visible.



The two sharp teeth, one on top and one on bottom, just behind your eyeteeth. If you’re wondering what should a tooth extraction look like when healing, you’ll find out below. When it comes to a tooth extraction procedure, canine is just another name for incisor. An incisor tooth is naturally found right behind your eyeteeth (two lateral incisors in the lower jaw and one central). There are several different names that pertain to canine teeth because they each have their own shape and use. Like any tooth type, there are also many uses of canines when it comes to an oral surgery procedure or a simple dental cleaning at home.



There are four premolars in each quadrant of your mouth. Each of these teeth has a more pointed shape than molars, which is why they’re called premolars. These teeth are located between your canines and molars, just behind your cuspids (or what you think of as your baby teeth). If you want to keep these teeth, make sure they don’t get too worn down by your everyday brushing habits. Brushing every day is vital for keeping gums healthy and preventing tooth decay.



There are four molars in each row of your mouth—two in the top and two in the bottom. Molars chew tough foods and help you grind food into small pieces that can be digested more easily. When one or more of your molars are lost, usually due to decay or injury, they may be replaced with an artificial tooth. If that happens, remember these common dental terms: crowns (caps), bridges (false teeth) and dentures (artificial teeth).


Wisdom Teeth

If needed, they will fill any cavities that are revealed. The cavity may be filled with temporary resin that has been painted on or is inserted with an injector. Afterward, you can expect some soreness and swelling in your mouth as your body heals. It’s generally not recommended to eat anything solid until 24 hours after surgery; however, liquids can be consumed when you feel comfortable. Some people find it helpful to do something for their hands during recovery so that their mouth can rest—try knitting or reading instead of watching TV!