How Does The Culture Mix Impact On The Organisation Of Firms In The UK? 

Last Updated: May 3, 2021By Tags:


The objective of this essay is the manifestation of the impact of cultural mix on The Organisation of Firms in the UK. The culture mix of organizations is expected to create a competitive advantage. Nowadays there are new tools for helping the leaders in measurement and management of culture towards alignment with business objectives. The CEO, as well as human resource leaders, recognize that cultural mix help in driving behavior, customer service, and innovation of people in organizations (Adair, Okumura, and Brett, 2001). The knowledge of the impact of leadership behavior as well as a reward system on organizational performance, employee engagement, employee retention, and customer service, helps the frontline UK-based organizations to use data as well as different behavioral information for management and influencing their culture.

Culture is to be considered an overall business issue and not simply a person’s resource issue. The CEO of the company as well as the list of executives should undertake the responsibilities for framing the organizational culture. In this regard, the human resource team has the biggest role to play by supporting their responsibility with the measurement as well as process and infrastructure development. Nevertheless, culture and its importance in organization outcomes are well established. Still, there is a good percentage of organizations that have not been able to accomplish a sound understanding of organizational culture. Organizations for saving it to be difficult to manage organizational culture. About 30% of organizations in the UK perceive that they have a proper understanding of cultural mix. Out of them, only 19% of organizations perceive that they have the right culture mix in the UK ( 2021). Culture mix in organizations has another pertinent impact on organizations like driving success and failure in change management cases determining the success rate of merger and acquisition followed by growth and product life cycle development.


In the current time, different global human capital trends suggest culture and engagement be too specific and unique aspects. Culture on one hand describes mainly the way in which things are done in organizations working around the common set of geographic as well as demographic and other pertinent values. Especially it incorporates the values, belief system, artifact, reward system, and behavior influencing the behavior of people in organizations on regular basis. The top leadership has a significant role to play in this regard. As said by assignment help experts, The leadership team also helps in embedding organizational culture myriad of processes, behavior and reward system. The cultural mix include all behaviour which might or might not improve performance of firms. In the current day cultural mix is an issue at the CEO level and it is an element which can be measured and improved for driving strategic progress of organisations.

The impact of comprehensive culture on international business might be perceived in every UK-based international company as culture impact HRM, supply chain, corporate strategies, international marketing, operations management and particularly the way in which business is done. On the contrary the influence of culture media perceive in value as well as belief and behavior. Culture should not be considered as homogeneous. Every respective business culture is indicated by subculture. Separation of the cultural issues from the economic as well as political issues is a complex affair (Brady and Robertson, 2001). Nevertheless, it has been perceived to that culture impact belief, value as well as behavior. It is likely that culture can impact organisational management style as well. The differences of what authorises the management of a company are not actually in black-and-white context. This is because the greater role in this regard is a played by cross-cultural understanding of the business objective and the nature of management. There are difference in emphasis as well as understanding and priority which creates difference in the management styles and variation in management practices. In fact in order to understand these differences different countries are clustered on the basis of the cultural dimensions of Hofstede. There were four kinds of variation used for comparing National cultures and the way in impact businesses.

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Of UK

In spite of all the criticism this model is considered as one of the most unique and significant mode of analyzing intercultural communication. The 6-d model of cultural dimensions distinguishes one culture from the other by providing individual scores to individual national cultures for specific cultural dimensions. By analysis of the scores it becomes possible to make a clear and easy to understand evidence of how national culture of respective countries influence business. In this model and the congruent angle is actually help in revealing how unique aspects of respective culture of Uk impact on the way business activities are done in the country (Dombai, 1999). The impact of the native business trend on people from multiple cultural background can also be analysed by means of analyzing the six specific aspects of the cultural dimensions of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions model. In the analysis section the researcher and essay writing help professional will focus how it can help in clarifying conflict with other cultures and diminish intercultural conflicts.

Power Distance

On the cultural counterpart UK generally have a low score for the power distance index. This index is a measurement of the extent to which the members of society having less power do expect and accept unequal distribution of authorization. It also highlights that people, native in UK have a general conception that inequality have to be minimized. The specimen of UK companies working towards eradication of any form of pertinent inequality in workforce is evident in the way in which British petroleum has acquired the fame as top employer for a female worker in UK (, 2021). Gender equality has been a boosting priority for British petroleum since their 2010. Number of female employees in their workforce steadily increased from 24.3 % to 31% as in march 2019. The organisation has also fulfilled their objective of allocating 25% of group leadership positions to women by the end of the year 2020 (, 2021). In addition to that the active role played by creating inclusive workplace environment for members of LGBTQ community and supporting their inclusion in the workforce also requires mention. The organisation has been working extremely hard to make a count of LGBT members from their working community in top 100 employers by stonewall (, 2021).

Therefore the initiatives towards reducing inequality has implication towards many societal levels. In context to workplace it generally e accounts for development of flat team structure (Hofstede, 1928). All UK based companies have moreover exhibited this kind of organisational acumen. The hierarchy has only played the role of creating a structuring convenience. People in UK based organisations generally expect easy access to managers who reports them by their first name only. This implies that managers need interacting with people for the person they are and not for the position they fact leadership has a critical role to play in any organisation (Han, 2014). It can be clearly articulated that the role of participative leadership has been recently realized by HSBC holdings corporation which has recently shifted to a more participative form of leadership. Junior members and in fact representatives from all concerned departments now have better say in decision making in the company (Zoe, 2017.). This pertinent culture in UK is in high contrast from the power distance ratio of other countries like that of India or south Africa which has high score in context to power distance dimension. In the societies of this country’s managers expects telling subordinates what should be done expecting little disobedience and challenge. Team hierarchy is expected to be accepted by all working team members without much questioning. This is one of the reasons why expatriate management of British companies associated in India find it difficult to handle employees. To know, take immediate assistance from SourceEssay do my assignment writers


The score of UK in terms of individualism is quite high. It reflects the extent to which the self-image of a person is expressed in terms of i or “we”. As an individualist country the people of Uk expects to take care of themselves and their family members and expect less investment into society and the community. In terms of organisational perspectives people from this kind of society give more value to privacy and pursue personal fulfilment. In this regard to privacy policies of organisations in industries like that of retail which needs to handle large amount of confidential people data can be mentioned (, 2017). For evidence Tesco is a company which is having a robust privacy policy in this regard and there is a centralised principle of handling data for Tesco stores limited data controller. The organisation equally collects personal data however they do not keep the same into digital traffic however deletes and terminates service collecting respective unit data after the same has been used for their immediate purpose. The organisation also clearly states out what kind of data to be acquired from customers and in fact from employees (, 2021). For evidence if any individual access the website of their company it will show them what kind of data people will have to submit and how the same will be of purpose to the company. People from societies having high score of individualism give more value to privacy and try to fulfil personal requirement. In contrast countries with low individualism score has a common feature of people giving more priority to the interest of a group compared to their own interest. Personal relationships are very important and pertinent for doing business in such societies. There is hostility to those outside group and in a workplace setting attitude impact hiring practices as well as promotion decisions. For people arriving from Uk this kind of relationship can be hard to penetrate and therefore it is important to invest time in doing negotiation with this kind of particular aspect of business culture.

Masculinity Vs Femininity

Hofstede’s cultural dimension considers the aspects like nurturing to be feminine. On the contrary the more achievement focused values are considered to be masculine. UK is considered to be a masculine country under Hofstede’s analysis. As a corporate society UK favors competition as well as achievement and success. On the contrary the society of Uk provides less focus on aspects like getting along with each other as well as modesty and quality of life which are the pertinent aspects of nurturing. People are quite ambitious and provide greater value to career progression (, 2021). For evidence Atom bank is one of the emerging companies which high growth propensity in Uk (Shannon,2016). Being said plagiarism free online essay help experts, The individualist nature of work pattern complements the culture of UK in that company which is why value-based competition has led to great progress of the company. At the other end of the scale there are countries like Denmark which possesses relatively more feminine society.

Uncertainty Avoidance

UK as a country exhibits very less interest in uncertainty avoidance. This imply that people in UK society are comfortable with uncertainty and do not get bothered with lack of information about future prospect. This is the reason why the attitude of switching jobs and setting parameters for job change and career progression are not observed among UK-based employees. This is the reason why the rate of employee retention among UK based companies are comparatively higher. It highlights that people from societies like that of Poland or Russia or that of France will not find it easy to work under the UK norms of culture. This is because the society of these countries have high scope for preference towards avoiding uncertain situations. On the basis of comparison their approach are more rigid and intolerant towards unorthodox behavior (, 2021). Nevertheless the attitude of Uk towards uncertainty avoidance actually create better scope for innovation in workplace. This is the reason because of which us based organisations like uber from ride sharing business or that of domino’s in the food business have found unexpected success in UK. The innovation in their product diversification as well as customer loyalty development have paid off immensely (, 2017).

Long Term Orientation

The score of UK culture is neutral in context with term of orientation. Long term or the timeliness of orientation in general demonstrates the way in which society reconciles current challenges whereas still retaining association with its past. the societies which demonstrate low scored on long term orientation dimension try to associate with tradition and norms which are hostile to the social changes. The societies which score highly for this kind of orientation are perceived to be more pragmatic regarding accommodation of change for benefit of solving current challenges (Han, 2014). Long term orientation also tend to impact on how much people from specific cultural value short term gain versus long term pay off. this culture is a critical aspect of organisational culture in UK based companies. For evidence USA has a long-term orientation which imply short term reward are greatly valued.


It is executed according to the scores of intelligence index that UK society has weak impulse control along with tendency of trying to materialize desires. people give more value to leisure time as well as freedom of expression. This is the pertinent reason because of which people with corporate minded attitude are less in UK compared to that in US. This is the reason why addition of entrepreneurship is less likely. On the contrary innovation and ideas in lower order of business will be explored with greater initiative in organisations of UK (, 2021).

Value Of Culture In Competitive Business

Culture brings together implicit as well as an explicit reward system which demonstrate how any organisation work in actual practice irrespective of the kind of organisational chart or business strategy or corporate mission undertaken by the company. In a research report conducted checked through plagiarism checker, it was identified more than 50% organisations in the current date has been attempting to change their inherent culture for tapping on to the talent market in order to cater to the increased competition. In the current date communication is very fast paced and organisational culture requires transfer entry and direct association with employment branding (KIMAKOVÁ, 2021). Therefore successful companies consciously cultivate as well as manage their culture so that it becomes a competitive standpoint in the highly competitive market where they operate. The most critical importance of organisational culture is that it becomes apparent when things do not work in favor.

Charles Handy Model Of Organisational Culture

According to this model there are four kinds of culture followed by organisations.


There are some companies where power is concentrated in hands of only the central managers and they have the sole authority of undertaking decisions in the company. Hence it is evident that these members enjoy a specific privilege which are not available to others in the company. They are considered as the most important stakeholders in the hierarchy ladder as all critical decisions are undertaken by them (Handy, 1976). The same individuals delegate responsibilities at the next level to the other employees. In this kind of organisational culture there is no alternative than a strictly following their instructions. Employees will not have liberty of expressing their opinion or sharing ideas on a transparent and evident base is and will have to simply follow orders of superiors. Managers in this kind of organisational culture cannot avoid becoming partial on some occasions to someone in preference to others. In Uk the culture of shared decision making prevails which is why the culture of centralised power is not actively followed. For evidence the model of shared decision-making is evident in NHS UK. There are acute channels of client intervention and feedback sharing based on which decisions are undertaken. Clinical practice owners invest a long time to discuss health condition with client and patient as well as their immediate family to arrive at decisions. Expertise of clinicians as well as treatment options and evidence and risk and benefits of the treatment options are discussed transparently in order to arrive at decisions.

Task Based Culture

Organisations which have teams dedicated to achieve specific targets and solving specific critical problems are said to be following the task culture. in this kind of organisations the individuals having common interest and specialisations come and develop a team. There are especially four to five members of individual team (Stonham, 1995). In this kind of culture, respective team members to contribute equally and accomplish the tasks in an innovative manner. Task based culture is facilitated where the employee retention rate is higher. Analysing the workplace culture mix of a UK based companies according to the Hofstede model of cultural dimensions it is evident that UK is ideal for flushing of task-based culture. In this kind of a culture consistent performance or persistence in quality of output generated reliability as well as trust. This is the basis of development of task-based culture.

Person Culture

There are specific organisations where employees feel that their respective importance is greater than that of the organisation in itself. In these organisations the kind of culture popular as the person culture is practiced. In a person-based culture, individuals are actually concerned about their own accomplishment rather than the organisational output. in this kind of culture the organisation takes the back seat and eventually suffer. In this case the loyalty index is on the lower side and employees always focus on personal benefits (Cartwright and Cooper,1993). UK has a party lands tendency towards personal accomplishment nevertheless the group culture and organisational importance is never disregarded. Get to know more about person culture with instant assignment help expertise of SourceEssay.

Role Culture

Role culture is a kind of culture where employees are delegated to the respective roles and responsibility according to their individual specialisation or educational qualification and their interest. Brands like cafe direct or Nescafe our exclusive British brands which emphasize on this kind of role-based culture. Employees have a good command in determining their job profile and accepting challenging instances in their daily job role (, 2021). In this case ownership and accountability of job outcome is completely assigned to employees.


In conclusion, it can be highlighted that culture always remains as the standout factor in the current day setting full stop the increase in the wave of globalization and greater a focus on innovation has radically changed in the way organisational culture plays its part in respective business association. It is important to note that successful perceptions of cultural mix can lead to great success. individual elements of the cultured mix has been analysed in this research study on the basis of the organisation of firms in UK. Amalgamation of specific cultural traits are important for ensuring success of business operations in the country. UK has a progressive organisational culture. There is robust scope for great progress by UK based companies following the cultural traits of UK society.