Fantasy Suspense books

Best Online Fantasy Suspense Books By Stephanie Colbert

The world of fantasy is one that captivates. The genre encompasses various literary realms, TV shows, and movie stories, ranging from apocalyptic whirlwinds filled with ancient magic to medieval realms overflowing with wizards and werewolves. As you read, your brain interprets the words in a manner that makes you feel like you are in a virtual simulator, experiencing the event of book as if they were real. Reading fantasy suspense books online and the other types of thrillers may provide several advantages, some of the fantasy suspense books which are mentioned below.

  • Boosts Your Imagination

By engaging the right side of our brain, reading helps us develop our creative abilities. Researchers in the field of neurology has revealed that reading fantasy may activate and improve brain functions. While reading a book, your mind wanders to the story’s characters and plot lines. You get absorbed in your imagination. 

It helps you visualize the setting and the characters’ images, drawing you further into the plot. And, particularly in today’s setting when humanity is facing a pandemic, fiction reading enables you to forget daily concerns and enjoy your time.

  • Enhances Creativity

Have you ever heard of the expression that the greatest teacher is one who doesn’t simply educate but also stimulates their students’ thinking? The same may be said for a fantasy suspense book. It provokes thought in you. It encourages the imaginative side of you to emerge.

In such books, there are many parallel stories taking place at various points in time or space. And there in the heart of it all is your creative experience. You can have the experience since you are speculating on the result and guessing the plot’s progression by drawing conclusions and envisioning things. 

  • Broadens Your Perspective

Young readers may benefit from fantasy in particular. They do not yet have a well-rounded vision that allows them to see situations in multiple ways. It is difficult for them to apply their existing knowledge and abilities to real-life scenarios. Because they lack the experience and perspective that comes with age. 

By interacting with these fictitious characters, readers can express their feelings about certain events and learn more about their underlying beliefs. The basic beliefs of person serve as the foundation upon which they may build their whole identity and ability to make sound judgments.

  • Can Better Anticipate Other People’s Motivations and Intentions

The words and actions of the characters in fantasy stories are also perfectly in sync with the story’s stated goals. No matter who is the protagonist or antagonist. You’ll see that they all use the same tactics to achieve their goals over time. These strategies are intended to be applied in a fictitious story’s context. Still the basic ideas may be used in any circumstance.

Stephanie Colbert has brought you the best fantasy suspense books online. So that you, too, can make the best out of them. Click here for more details: and browse for a brief idea of what her books have gotten for you!