SEO for Ecommerce

SEO Guide: SEO for Ecommerce(Best Guide with 13 Tips)

Last Updated: November 12, 2020By Tags: , , ,

SEO Guide: SEO for Ecommerce

If you want to get huge traffic and sales to your e-commerce website, then on-page SEO is a crucial first step.

There is a multitude of how-to articles and web tutorials offering SEO advice, but a few which specifically address the needs of e-commerce entrepreneurs.

Today, the team of DigiClues would like to give you basic knowledge of on-site search engine optimization for e-commerce. It is enough to get you started, just make sure you are sending all correct signals to Google and set you up for SEO success.

What is Ecommerce SEO?

Ecommerce SEO is a series of making your online store visible in the search engine results pages (SERPs). When customers search for your products, you want to rank as highly as possible so you can get more traffic.

You can attract traffic from paid search, but SEO costs less. Ad blockers and ad blindness can decrease the effectiveness of paid search, so you will want to optimize for search regardless.

Ecommerce SEO includes optimizing the internal link structure, product descriptions, metadata, headlines, navigational structure for search, and user experience. Each product sold has a dedicated page designed to get traffic from search engines.

Why SEO For Ecommerce Matters?

What consumers do when they need any product or service? Many try Google searches. They are looking for options, tips, comparisons, and other information to help them make decisions.

If your website does not appear in the SERPs, you lose important access to qualified and interested customers of eCommerce. Your products may have a space on the web, but are they searchable?

That is where e-commerce SEO comes in. It provides you with a way to reach your required audience without paying for ads. Once you attract people to your website, you can gladden them with your high-quality products, intriguing copy, and motivating calls to action.

How to Develop an Ecommerce SEO Strategy

Ecommerce SEO may seem like a massive task, especially if you already have a webpage populated with tons of services and products. Yes, it will take time, but you can boost up the process with a solid strategy.

  • Prioritize pages: Which pages of your site get the most traffic? Start with them. Besides, if you want people to concentrate on a specific product, first optimize for that product.
  • Create a workflow: SEO wants you to meet specific requirements. For instance, choosing the main keywords, adding metadata, naming your images correctly, adding image alternate attributes, and including related keywords.
  • Check out the competition: The eCommerce SEO strategy you use must be designated to outsmart the competition.
  • Follow through with CRO: Conversion rate optimization (CRO) must follow SEO. We can talk about that later.
  • Hire DigiClues: If you want to outsource the work then you can look for seo expert in hyderabad.

Ecommerce SEO Checklist: Ecommerce SEO Strategy’s best practices 

(SEO for Ecommerce)

Let us look at some of the best advice for e-commerce websites that are lacking in the SEO space. If you desire people to find your products easily, you must have an e-commerce SEO strategy, and checking each item off your list makes your strategy effective.

#1. Use the Right Keywords

Keywords will matter. You do not want to overload your product titles and descriptions with the keywords, but they have to be present in the copy. These are related keywords that help Google in understanding your page in context.

#2. Analysis of the Keyword Search Volume, CPC, and User Intent

Before using a keyword, do some research on it. Know how many times people search for it, how competitive it is in the paid advertising space (cost-per-click, or CPC), and what people are searching for when they use that keyword.

#3. Conduct Competitor Research

If you do not have a clue where to start with on-site optimization for your e-commerce website, then your competitors are your best bet. Larger competitors specifically have already put in the legwork for optimizing their webpages, and you can learn many of their secrets on their websites themselves.

You need to focus on the keywords. In particular, you will want to analyze the keywords on their homepages as well as their top product pages.

How can you tell if a webpage is optimizing for a particular keyword? You can start by making use of the Moz browser extension to see the SEO title and description your competitors use in their title tags.

#4. Focus on Homepage SEO

The homepage is usually where most of the businesses focus their SEO budget and energy. While it is certainly one of the top pages of your website to optimize, it is by no means the only one you must concentrate on.

You do want to optimize your homepage well. The main things you want to add and optimize are included in the following.

#5. Homepage Title Tag

The SEO title tag is one of the extremely important features of on-site search optimization. It must include your business name along with the important keyword phrase you want to target. You must write this title tag is less than 70 characters and in a way that attracts search visitors, as they will see it in search results.

#6. Homepage Meta Description

While this is not as important as keyword rankings, the meta-description for your homepage is a 160-character description of your page or business that will also show up in search beneath the title tag. Write it in a way that motivates people to want to visit your website.

#7. Homepage Content

The content of your homepage must help visitors to learn about your business and the products you have to offer clearly and concisely. Avoid too much information overload. Consider featuring a few top products on your homepage and your unique selling proposition.

Overloaded homepages confuse visitors as well as search engines. For example, if you sell products in many different categories. Google will struggle to recognize what you sell and where you are targeting with your products, so be specific about what your site offers.

#8. Simplify Your Site Architecture

As you add more products and categories to your store, remember that website architecture plays an important role in search optimization. Specifically, you want to have a definitive ranking of navigation, from your homepage to categories of products to the products listed within them.

The thumb rule for search engines and visitors is to make sure people can reach everything within three clicks. From the homepage, they must only have to make a maximum of three clicks to get to any product from your website.

#9. Internal Linking

Internal links have two main purposes:

  • Boosting e-commerce SEO by showing how pages are related to each other
  • Increasing time on the website by encouraging visitors to further explore your site

Linking to related products or information-rich blog articles can help in improving e-commerce SEO and makes your site more tempting for deep dives.

#10. Optimize Product Pages

Product pages are the lifeline of your business, so you have to focus a lot of your energy on optimizing them. Most e-commerce store owners simply write a few lines about each product and add up an image or video.

More information is required on your product pages so that Google can find them. Here are the specific things you have to work on.

#11. Product Name

The name of your product is extremely important. In most cases, it is also used in the SEO title and URL of your product page. This is why you have to consider adding a common search term or key phrase to your products.

#12. Image Optimization

Images are also an important part of your product page. See from your customer’s point of view. Are you more likely to buy a product from a website that clearly defines the product from as many angles as possible, from a site that has no image, or from one that is small and illegible?

Not only images are important for your customers, but they are important for search optimization as well.

#13. Create Backlinks for Ecommerce SEO

Backlinks are one of the most important ranking signals Google uses to recognize where your pages belong in the SERPs. The greater number of backlinks you have from high-quality sites, the more authoritative your website becomes.

Building backlinks for e-commerce sites do not have to be tough. Guest posting on blogs related to your niche is an easy and white-hat way to build links. E-mail the owners of the blogs you are interested in and offer them three or more ideas for potential guest posts.

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