
WooCommerce SEO Agency

Last Updated: November 27, 2022By Tags: ,

WooCommerce is often considered the best plugin in the e-commerce space. This plugin is designed for small to large e-commerce WordPress websites. This is a simple, flexible, customizable, secure, and very easy-to-use plugin. It has all the features that every e-commerce website requires, like shipping methods (cash on delivery) and payment gateways.

If you trust a WordPress SEO agency, it will necessarily know how to master the essential CMS plug-in: like WooCommerce. This is an essential skill if your site is an online store and you want to optimize its SEO on Google.

What is WooCommerce and why is it essential for your SEO agency to master this plugin to help you gain positions on the SERPs? We explain everything to you!

What is WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is not a CMS, but an extension module to make a classic WordPress site an e-commerce site. This extension was launched on September 27, 2011. This extension was developed in open source and is accessible free of charge throughout the world.

Today, nearly 380,000 retailers use WooCommerce for its simplicity and great accessibility. The plug-in is indeed installed in a few clicks and allows you to create a powerful and fully customizable online store. WooCommerce is even scalable since you can add features to it according to the needs and evolution of your online business.

But concretely, what can you do with WooCommerce? The plug-in alone allows you to manage your invoices, your customer base, your orders, but also your product catalog. This plugin can also be installed in a mobile version, so you can follow all your sales live through notifications.

Another advantage of WooCommerce: migrating to another platform is very simple since the plug-in does not impose any restrictions when exporting your content.

In short, you will have understood, WooCommerce is a great classic of online commerce. All SEO agencies are therefore perfectly familiar with this plug-in and will be able to use it for your good positioning on Google.

Why choose a WooCommerce SEO agency?

A WooCommerce SEO agency such as Online Media Trend will be able to offer you natural referencing solutions adapted to the plug-in. WordPress has developed several tools to improve the positioning of its sites on Google, these include Yoast SEO, Rank Math, All in One SEO Pack, etc. An SEO agency is able to master the workings of these extensions, but above all to offer you an SEO strategy in line with your online business and its challenges.

At Online Media Trend (OMT), we put our expertise at the service of your WooCommerce store. From internal networking through the writing of optimized content and the writing of ALT attributes, we build with you an SEO strategy adapted to your CMS and its extensions so that your site progresses on the SERPs. Don’t hesitate any longer and trust a WooCommerce SEO agency to improve your trust flow and increase your turnover in the long term.

The Online Media Trend SEO agency positions itself as a partner of your activity and these are not just words in the wind.