website redesign


Last Updated: November 24, 2021By Tags: , ,

Although it is said that you should not judge a book by its cover, a great website design is the first step towards becoming a New York Times bestseller for a company. Today, it takes only 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds) for a user to decide whether or not to stay on your site (most likely for good). As a result, it’s critical to impress users right away.  Here comes the importance of website redesign

Business owners are distracted by aesthetics during the process, which is understandable, but it is not the only solution to improved web design. To achieve a seamless user experience, website owners must combine aesthetics, functionality, and a comprehensive understanding of their target market before planning their redesign project.

When compared to organisations with a poor UI/UX interface, websites that support a positive UX are more likely to achieve their goals. Following a customer study in 2008, Wal-Mart chose to update its website for a cleaner image. It resulted in a less congested design, and while it appeared to be cleaner, it cost $1.85 billion to produce.

If you haven’t been achieving the traction you want, this article will explain why and how it may be affecting your website. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered when it comes to design difficulties.

Your website is no longer up to date go for a website redesign.

Let’s start with the elephant in the room: your website design is out-of-date and no longer resonates with your target demographic. That isn’t to say it’s bad, but it isn’t up to date and doesn’t grab their attention. You just have 0.05 seconds to wow your audience before they hit the back button, as I indicated earlier.

Consumers view a website’s home page as an indication of how well the owner conducts their business. Outdated designs offer the idea that if business owners are concerned about the state of their website, they are also concerned about other essential areas of their operation.

As data privacy concerns grow, obsolete websites, particularly those without an SSL certificate, are more vulnerable to hacking and security breaches. People are less likely to stick around if your website doesn’t feature a lock icon in the URL bar.

Users seek out websites that provide solutions, and they value organisations that are professional, forward-thinking, cutting-edge, and current in their fields.

A corporation can be everything, but if it doesn’t have a modern design, it creates a disconnect and raises doubts about its legitimacy. Overall, when customers are looking for a solution to their problems, a website with an outdated design produces uncertainty, aggravation, and scepticism.

Your products and services may be ideal for them, but your website is not. If you’re not sure where to start, look for an experienced web designer—you’ll be able to tell how good their work is by looking at their portfolio and testimonials.

Your website isn’t mobile-friendly.

People nowadays do the majority of their business on their phones, from banking to food deliveries, and web browsing is no exception. As we speak, you could be reading this article on your phone.

Responsive web design (RWD) alters the appearance of a website dependent on the screen size and orientation at which it is being viewed. Users would suffer from excessive resizing, scrolling, and panning if RWD wasn’t available. This either makes it more difficult for users to navigate the website or causes them to become frustrated and depart.

Because consumers do not have the patience for a poorly designed website, 57 per cent of users say they would not suggest an unresponsive website on mobile. Perficient published a study on mobile vs. desktop usage in 2020, finding that 68.1 per cent of retail website visits were made via mobile.

Google is continually upgrading its search rankings, and as of 2016, non-mobile-friendly sites have been penalised by having their rankings dropped in search results. Users will have a better mobile experience with responsive design, which will encourage them to stay on your site longer, increase traffic, and improve search engine results.

Boost Page Speed

Do you recall the agony of dial-up internet with AOL? I’m in the same boat, and we’re all ready to move on.

Page speed has become such an important component of a positive user experience that Google now includes load time in its search engine rankings.

“2 seconds is the benchmark for eCommerce website acceptance,” said Maile Ohye, a Google developer, in a Google Webmaster video. Users are willing to wait for the same average loading time. Longer-loading websites have a greater bounce rate, which has a negative impact on conversion rates.

The easiest way to deal with this problem is to optimise your code while keeping the user experience in mind. Following are a few recommended practises to follow:

Make your code more efficient.

To improve website speed, minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML (removing unneeded characters).

There are fewer redirects.

Customers must wait for an HTTP request-response cycle each time they are redirected to your site. The greater the number of redirects, the longer the response time.

Images should be optimised.

Web-optimized files should be uploaded. For faster loading, make sure they are not larger than they need to be. I aim to keep most photos under 100 kb as a rule of thumb. Although larger images, such as backdrop graphics, tend to be under 250 kb. This will substantially minimise the size of your pages.

You can also optimise your photos directly on your WordPress website using a plugin like ShortPixel. This is particularly handy for huge e-commerce sites that require a lot of optimization but lack the time to do it manually.

Browser caching should be enabled.

Because of the pre-stored contents of the site in the user’s browser after their initial visit, caches are an excellent approach to reduce load times. Their next visit will result in much-reduced loading times.

If you have a WordPress website, WProcket is a fantastic plugin that can significantly improve page loading times. I strongly advise you to take a look at it.

You’re rebranding your business.

It’s natural to desire to rebrand your company as it grows to meet your current target market.

The visual appearance of a corporation, including logos, colors, layouts, and content, is revitalized through rebranding. Keeping up with new trends is a must—remember when Google changed its logo from serif to sans-serif?

The entire website will be rebranded. Users will notice if any of the design elements are out of place. Create a consistent layout for all of the website’s pages; we want to distance ourselves as much as possible from the existing brand.

Making a brand book to serve as a guideline can help you maintain consistency in your design approaches. The brand book serves as a reference for colours to use, logo design, photographic regulations, typography, iconography, and more.

From products to social media posts, it will build a consistent image in the customer’s head. Consumers admit to judging a company’s legitimacy based on its web development services, with 75% admitting to doing so. Consistency builds brand trust, which leads to loyalty and the conversion of prospects into leads.

You’d like to improve your conversion rates.

If your website traffic is adequate but your conversion rates are low, it’s the right time for the website redesign. Having an amazing user experience is a big element of influencing conversion rates.

Increased conversion rates can be achieved through a variety of methods. From the landing page to the buying basket, good design guides your user through the customer journey.

They know where to locate everything at a glance, including About, Contact, FAQ, Products, and Checkout, thanks to an easy-to-use user interface. In any visual design, readability is always a priority, and websites are no exception.

A/B testing is a fantastic technique to see how well the new modifications perform. This method evaluates the data from the old and new designs and determines if you’re on the correct track.

Your website requires a unique solution.

As a company grows, it will want to add additional features to its website to improve the consumer experience. Advanced client account portals and dashboards, eCommerce CMS systems, booking portals, or advanced design approaches such as parallax scrolling elements are all examples of this.

Some plugins will become obsolete as the website’s functionalities expand. It may be time to look for a bespoke website creation firm.

Importance of custom web development

Custom development teams provide your business with a personal touch and create a one-of-a-kind user experience. Plugins, on the other hand, may contain faults and errors, as well as a lack of customisation and white labelling. They’ve been blamed for slow page load times and poor user experiences.

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Bespoke websites, on the other hand, provide users with the flexibility that comes with a custom build, allowing them to adjust to business changes quickly. Furthermore, corporations are not bound to a single hosting provider.

Custom websites might choose a hosting firm that offers features like automated file and data backups, customised backup locations. Additionally, it provides optimised configuration for chosen CMS, or direct server performance and uptime monitoring to meet specific business requirements.

Budget is the sole constraint when it comes to custom websites. It’s a terrific alternative for organizations trying to step up their game and stand out from the competition. The reason behind it can be functionality or features you wish to install.


Websites are now a company’s face, selling point, and defining feature. For the best user experience, a website design should be modern. It must load in two seconds, and be responsive on many devices hence website redesign is required.

Customers judge how much a business owner cares about their company by how well-maintained their website is. Customers are less inclined to return if they have to suffer through poor UI/UX design, which has a negative impact on conversion rates.

There are many reasons for a website redesign. If your website fits into any of the following categories, it’s the right time for the website redesign. Improving the look and feel of your website leaves a lasting impact on visitors. A great user experience encourages recurring business and, as a result, increased conversion rates.

If you’re unsure how to get the most out of your website, call an experienced website designer for advice. Your website will have a better chance of ranking in SERP, beating competitors, and leaving an impact on customers.